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Dalton 300 non MEL

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I got the front sheeting prepared. Will be gluing the sheeting down tonite .
Started by removing the tape holding the seams. Then a little 220 grit sand paper on a hand sander, cleans up the ridges, if any and removes some loose balsa hairs. My found big bottle of wood glue. Also an acid brush. A little wood glue kinda goes along way, sorta.... But once I started setting the sheeting, I took some of my favorite expensive blue painters tape and started to lock the sheeting to the frame. It started to lift in a couple places, so just a quick hit of thin super glue helps hold it all together. I will remove the tape tomorrow after work to view the finished piece. I will have some sanding to do on the front of it, since the top half of the cowl is a little lower than the hatch top. Will see how bad it is to start with, and then decide if I'm sanding it down or not.

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Got a place or 2 to clean up. But all in all, I'm pretty happy with it. I'm going to have to stop work on this, since I'm still waiting for the new rear canopy former. I keep breaking glue joints on the stringers of the hatch. Broke 2 glue joints just in sanding the forward and aft edges down.

It's a little chilly in the basement, but so much warmer than it is outside!
Look out Jackson!! I still dont believe that Im not working or building a heli! But instead, I trimmed the canopy to fit the hatch of my Dalton.

I sanded a recess in the fwd sheeting for the canopy to rest in. Then drew a line, leaving a little to trim off after gluing, and cut the canopy out. It may not be perfect, but it will be flyable this year. Then I can finally get the monster 3W 164 2 holer tuned in.

I used Zap Goo to mate the canopy to the frame. Some blue painters tape to keep it from shifting, then some clamps in strategic places. :)


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Getting some stuff done here, so that next year, I can spend alot of time hanging out with my boy.


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Looks good Bunky. I've got a new hatch for my Dalton that I've been working on for over a year, just now have it ready to paint.
Once I get this trimmed up and sanded down, it'll be be ready for paint too. :) Gotta paint the cowl and wheel panties too. Once I get these parts out to paint, it is Carden time!
Guess I could sand down the high spots on the hatch today. Then try to find a couple of phone munbers to try to get ahold of a painter.