The stabs are almost ready to have hinge line beveled. 1st step, after sanding the 1/2" balsa flush with the sheeting, I then will mark the area of the hinge points. On each stab, there will be 8 Robart point hinges. The hinges, from the tip, will be at 1", 2", 4", 10",12", 16", 20" & 21"
Then Once i mark the points for the hinges, I then will use this drill guide, from RObart, and drill on both sides of the hinge line, into the balsa. Once this is marked, then I will draw a line on the hinge line, that is central line. This will be marked with a black marker, that is thicker than a fine felt sharpie. This line, I will not want to sand down. I then will draw 2 more lines/angles on each side, of how much to sand off, the rest is elbow work!! Pictures to follow soon....