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Extreme Flight 76/83" MXS


U are invited bro. You are always invited. I was referring to the rest of the peanut gallery. The weekends are fun for a social event, but I learn the most when I am flying by myself.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
U are invited bro. You are always invited. I was referring to the rest of the peanut gallery. The weekends are fun for a social event, but I learn the most when I am flying by myself.

I was teasing man :)

Thanks for the invite... but I probably won't be able to make it... but just in case... let me know when you are going :D


Finally was able to get some video of my MXS. Mostly 3d because my camera was out of focus for most of the XA i was doing. [video=youtube;YolOWvl12L8]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YolOWvl12L8[/video]


Well Joe, that plane looks like it flys pretty well. That is to say you fly pretty well, but heck you already know that ;) That knife edge to Wall at 6:51 is pretty snazzy! It looks like it didn't take long for you to get 100% comfortable with that plane. I do have a question, with the runway just a few feet away, why do you land in that dirt?

Again great flying, thanks for posting the video. A tip for the camera man is to set the lens at infinity --> ∞ <---- and the lens to the max aperture f-16-f-22 and manual focus (so it wont hunt for focus). This way the plane will remain in focus most of the time as long as he/she is 25 to 30 feet away from the plane.