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Glassing and Painting techniques


640cc Uber Pimp
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As you see jet painter the plane is done glassed every thing is done waiting for paint. That is why I am interested in how you are going to paint it. If I can get the same products that you are going to use then would like to copy you if that is ok.


640cc Uber Pimp
Tonight I sanded the second coat of Z-Poxy resin with 120 grit then 220. I was careful to sand it smooth, but not so much I would go through. You need to sand, then wipe it off and look for shiny spots, and repeat until you get rid of most of them. It takes time, but when your done, it's smooth as a babies butt. After sanding, I weighed the hatch again. he results were very similar to what I found when I did the test panels a few months ago. After sanding the second coat it added almost no weight but really makes a nice smooth surface. It's pretty hard to see in pictures, but here's a few.

Before applying the second coat: 11.63 ounces
After applying second coat: 11.88 ounces
After sanding the second coat: 11.67 ounces



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Most excellent work. Time to fill with drywall mud and/or sandable primer. Man, I need to get on of my projects to finishing stages.


640cc Uber Pimp
Jetpainter why would you not just paint it now with any further fill or anything. The seams are excellent and it looks smooth. Or are going for a show car finish. By the way what plane is it and is it a kit. Still looking good.


640cc Uber Pimp
Jetpainter why would you not just paint it now with any further fill or anything. The seams are excellent and it looks smooth. Or are going for a show car finish. By the way what plane is it and is it a kit. Still looking good.
The glassed parts will get primed with two light coats of Nason 421-19 primer and then sanded till most of the primer is gone. The goal is to get it as lite as possible, but still make sure all the weave and grain is gone.

And yes a high quality finish is the ultimate goal.

The airplane is a scratch built fuselage from my own design and uses the wings and stabs from a crashed Yak54 that I modified the tips on. Here is a link to the build thread. http://giantscalenews.com/threads/50cc-scratch-build-from-my-own-design-revisited.1089/


640cc Uber Pimp
Here are a few pics of the priming on my hatch. After getting my pilot and instrument panel installed I glued on the canopy with RC56 or Formula 560 or what ever their calling it these days. Since I wanted a flush mounted canopy after letting that glue dry for two days I mixed up some filler with Z-Poxy Finishing resin and milled fiberglass added until it was a paste, and went over the seam with that. After sanding I went over that with a lite coat of polyester glaze and sanded it smooth. Before all sanding steps I masked the canopy and the hatch so I would only sand what was necessary.

Today I took the hatch to the shop and started by masking everything so the canopy would stay clean and I wouldn't get overspray on the underside of the hatch. I then sprayed the area around the canopy with some black SEM brand self etching aerosol primer so that anything you see inside the hatch through the canopy would be black.

When the black was dry I mixed up some Nason 421-19 primer with 483-87 activator at 4 to 1 then added about 5% Nason 441-21 reducer. The reducer isn't absolutely necessary, but it makes the primer lay down a little smoother.

I started by putting a coat around the canopy area. I wanted a little extra there because of the filler work. After that I gave the whole hatch two coats.

I'm not sure when I'm going to sand this primer, but when I do I'll post the weight gain.


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That seem looks non-existent. I'm just finishing sanding my canopy frame so this is all perfect timing before I attempt to glass and install the canopy.