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Scale MattyMatt's Exclusiv Modellbau 50% Challenger II


70cc twin V2
Looking good, will that cover plate just be covered and surface mounted like that? Beautiful build, I'm going to have to do one of these sometime.

Hey Terry... Yes, they are rounded now and will sit on the surface as the servos are as wide as the stab. There's really no room to make them flush. They are 1/16" ply. Probably could go to 1/64th, but I didn't have any and I'll need the tail weight.


70cc twin V2
Package came today from Scott at SWB MFG...

It's a 5" straight arm two servo tray, with solid links. Two JR MPH83T's, boasting 1126 oz/in will drive the rudder.

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70cc twin V2
I finished the tank mount. I decided to stick with Dubro tanks as I haven't ever had an issue with them and there isn't an easy way to get to them once they are in. There is no hatch besides the canopy.

I made a tray to mount both a 50 oz, gas tank and a 40 oz smoke tank. The tray plugs in the front with two 1/4" oak dowels, and the back is secured with two 4mm bolts.


70cc twin V2
Here's the tank tray.


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