Rudolph Andersen
That is what I am talking about and it looks awesome. I am going to get a template made and send it to Decal Dennis.
Because IMAC requires an instrument panel and pilot someone needs to come up the 3D cockpit graphic with a pilots body sitting in it and a pilot bust mounted on top. I might have to go with just the 3D graphic for now and 'Claude Rains' pilot's name on the fuselage and lightly argue with IMAC. (anyone get the joke?)
Sure wish we also had a wider choice of pilot busts that were simple, lightweight, cheap plastic, 'Williams Brothers' like. I used to have a Carl Goldberg Cub with a pilot that turned his head through the rudder control and I made an arm that would 'thumbs-up' through elevator control. It was fun to have him look at the spectators and kinda wave. (He did something besides wave but I won't go there
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