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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC


New to GSN!
I'm curious why oiling up the carb gaskets finally got the 170 fired up? I'm guessing the new and dry gaskets weren't sealing out the air so well?

Joe Hunt

Actually the rule for those is to always have about 40% remaining or pack life gets shorter and they can loose their ability to balance properly.

If the charge wasn't an anomaly then I definitely went well below 40% remaining. I've read they should not go down below 1volt per cell, and I've read not below 2v per cell. They did not even get down to 2v per cell. But, oddly took almost their whole mah capacity in a charge. Something still seems off to me somewhere with this pack. BTW, I've only used this pack for plane setup, I've never flown it. Good thing, huh? :)

Joe Hunt

I'm not sure how I feel about people that fly this plane better than me;)
Looks like you have the balance right on the money. It doesn't look like the control horn placement is bothering you. Great job.

That balance is good for 3D, it's tail heavy. If you flip it inverted going along level it will do an outside loop. haha That's with pull/pull rudder and only one servo per elevator half. Imagine if I would have went push/pull rudder and two elevator servos per half! It would have been a wild ride! I might have liked it. haha I toy'd with moving my RX packs into the motorbox after day one (yesterday). But, feel like this CG is alright where it is at after day two (today). I can't fly a precision rolling circle with it... but it's good fun! haha

I'm still trying to bet used to the plane, comparing it to the AW Yak I was just flying the pendulum has definitely swung the opposite way. It's still unpredictable to me, but I'm working on getting familiar with it. What's slowing me down a little is this monster engine. :O I had a 31-12 on it yesterday and it was ripping that on the maiden. So, today I tried a 32-11w and it was a little better, but it ripped it too. I put a throttle curve in so that I'm only at 50% servo travel when the stick is at 80%. That calmed it down a bit, too. I guess I'll try a 32-12 or a 34-10... maybe I just need a more inefficient prop. Anyway, I need a prop that will tame this beast a bit. It just honks a lot harder than the last one I just got a couple of months ago from DA. Same DA-170 model... but this one is different.