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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

Hey Joe, Just curious what you are using for expo. I use far less these days with the exception of the rudder which I need a lot or would be all over the place when hovering.

I'm thrown by expos this year. I always ran between 60-80% on high rates (negative expo on a Futaba). That wasn't working on the H9 Sukhoi so I ended up liking 0% on the elevator, positive 20% on the rudder (yes, reverse expo), and negative 40% on the ailerons. On the AW Yak55 I ran 0 elevator, 0 rudder, 20 normal negative on the ailerons. On this plane, since it has so much bigger surfaces and throw than those planes I set it up on high rates with 50% expo (Futaba negative) all the way around. Now I'm at 0 on the rudder, -10 (futaba) on the elevators and -20 on the ailerons. Low rates everything on 25% (futaba negative) on all three planes to try to look smooth in precision. I'm still working with this plane, though. I'm not comfortable with anything but poptops, at this point. haha Did you see the poptop video? This 170cc class plane spins like a 100cc class plane! ha!

Joe Hunt

Same here. Took out a lot of expo and it actually seemed smoother, although anyone watching probably wouldn't have noticed... and not cuz I'm so smooth either.

My new buddy, John, at the field is always working on hovering. He asked me for tips, I flew his plane and told him to take out half of the expo... told him it was making his inputs too late. He changed to less expo and it smoothed him right out, too.

Joe Hunt

I'm curious why oiling up the carb gaskets finally got the 170 fired up? I'm guessing the new and dry gaskets weren't sealing out the air so well?

That's Tavis' theory. It's worked for him on his last several Walbro carbs. He's convinced. My carb is still acting up, and likes to be started at 1/3 to 1/2 throttle. And, really only started after the oiling when it was at 1/3 to 1/2 throttle. It might have started that way without the oiling. I don't know. But, I'm sending this carb back to DA. I think she is no good.


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
Thanks, Xpress! This isn't the official video, or anything, I have some ideas for one when I get the prop sorted out and get a little more familiar with the plane.... but Butch shot this one today so I thought to post it:

Great flying.
I am really dazzled by that color scheme too. Me like.


640cc Uber Pimp
If the charge wasn't an anomaly then I definitely went well below 40% remaining. I've read they should not go down below 1volt per cell, and I've read not below 2v per cell. They did not even get down to 2v per cell. But, oddly took almost their whole mah capacity in a charge. Something still seems off to me somewhere with this pack. BTW, I've only used this pack for plane setup, I've never flown it. Good thing, huh? :)

That is if you cycle them, not for normal operation. When you go to charge they should still be at about 6.2-6.3 with a one amp load.

Joe Hunt

Just seems to be a lot of variation. Some run good and some run great. The new ZDZ 180 seems to be a bad mother and of course the 3W 170 should be great too.

Yeah, the 3W on the blue Votec was head and shoulders above the rest. Idled down to nothing, smooth as silk, and had more power than the 170s. This DA is like that one. I was totally happy with the one in the Sukhoi, it shot out of a hover on the 3rd flight on video... but this one is smoother and has more power. Even when I flipped it the first time it had a different feel to it. Can't go wrong with 3W or DA... and Tavis, Randy, ZDZ Joe, and others are saying you can't go wrong with ZDZ either.