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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC


Damn I'm hungry
Any body else notice that the DLE 111 seems to be going out of production? I have seen old stock at a couple of vendors but now that hobbico has distributorship..........120 only. Hmn.....DLE 240 lurking somewhere!?!?


640cc Uber Pimp
Don't believe everything you hear. I've seen first hand the impeccable dependability and absolutely top shelf performance of the DLE 222. Only reason I bought the 3dub 212 for the Yak, was because I wanted mostly to compare it to my sons 222. In all things being equal, the 212 should spank his 222 100 ways of Sunday. But it's going to be a tough battle to win. His 222 runs just that good. Right now after about 10 gallons, it seems to be really coming into its own very nicely. Ripping the snot outta the Biela 32x10.
Does your sons 222 have Bowman rings?

My friend Tony tried a 32 x 10 Mejzlik on his DA200. That thing would make your ears bleed if you weren't careful. He went back to a 30 x 13 Mejzlik. More power less noise.

Joe Hunt

Joe, your antennas should be 90* to each other, no? :oblong:

I don't know. haha

Three planes since I've been back... I've run them three different ways... all worked. Dual 7008s in the Yak got the shortest range check distance (with stock mufflers, too). Sukhoi and Extra have tune pipes and single 6014 and the range check distance is as far as you can walk. Manual says 90' is fine, I went at least 300' and still solid. The 7008s start to get hung up at 120'... they were true 90's... one vertical, one horizontal, as well. Really wanted to use the 7018 with its longer antenna... but that thing is a lame duck... a wounded gull... okay, a piece of junk. haha


Damn I'm hungry
R6014HS (or FS)......That's all I have been using......Never an issue. My new bird going up with the FS version. Trust them that much;).


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Yeah the 90* antenna orientation is typically for better antenna diversity, it lets the receiver compensate for multipath interferences- in layman's terms, it gives the receiver 2 orientations to see the signal in the event one gets blocked.

Joe Hunt

Yeah the 90* antenna orientation is typically for better antenna diversity, it lets the receiver compensate for multipath interferences- in layman's terms, it gives the receiver 2 orientations to see the signal in the event one gets blocked.

Yeah... I just try to make sure the engine and pipes don't block them at most orientations... mostly... or actually I just stopped worrying with the 6014. haha

Joe Hunt

I put up some R-13 on the garage door... had to... did you see the temp the other night? 55 degrees! Last night down to a brutal 60! My little heater got it up to 72 pretty quickly last night after the insulation board install. :)


Joe Hunt

Got the new carb on and lengthened the pushrod to change my throttle curve manually. Got the 33-11w on there, might go try all this out today. :)