Have you ever tried to burst or wreck a water bottle? (not the new eco friendly thin walled ones) They are tough as nails.I kinda feel like stangflyer. But those using the new type tanks will have deaf ears hearing about Dubro tanks. Things always change and if you are in the change age group you use the newest ideas and equipment. You all worry about leaks though and I found I never had a leak with a Dubro thank and Sullivan aluminum cap. I suspect other brands of aluminum caps are good but Sullivan was the first. I found you had to sandpaper the cap a bit to fit the Dubro tank. Always used the Dubro stopper. I saw many leaking tanks and they were always the tanks that came with kits. I hated putting a tank together but soon found I enjoyed the challenge and loved it when I dunked it in a water bucket and found no leaks. Those clear plastic bottles look a bit delicate to me. Gas engines rattle the heck out of everything. Try to tear up a Dubro tank. They are tough.