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3D Rebuilding the Compy MX2.

I skipped baffling, as I want to make sure my thrust lines are good before I go thru the hard work it is. But instead, I mounted the throttle servo and poked a hole thru the firewall and chin for the pushrod. Initial lay out of Rx and batteries have begun.

I took my mufflers to work many many months ago, where I had a TIG welder for aluminum. I cut the front of the mufflers apart and laid in a piece of aluminum and welded it back in. You can still see a little bit of the mufflers, but much better than having the entire front of the can hanging out in free air. I didn't do too bad for my first time welding aluminum, if I don't say so myself. I still need to remove the lower cowl half and poke another hole in the chin for the fuel line. It will get a grommet around it, much like the plug wires.

I'm also deciding on either pull pull or push pull rudder servos........ How did yours CG with the 157 and cans, Mike?? Battery location etc....
I think I've decided that I'm going with push pull rudder. I also think I'm going with 1.75" servo arms. And most likely, I will be making my own pushrods too. Since the length will be longer than I can get turn buckles in. Got some pix on my phone. Tank tray is about ready to go in, as well as the radio tray. Then it is onto the canopy and hatch, which I absolutely hate doing!
Some pix as promised. Then I got some @Taildraggerrc goodies in the mail, minus some MPX extensions for the wings. :( I guess Doofey aint lerned how to reeeed yet.


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Memorial day got in the way of me working on the Mx-Master. Plus, had the lady and son over for the weekend.

Not much to report. Made a couple of slots for the tanks I'm gonna use, and glued down some velcro for the tanks. Did a little work on a buddies Goblin Competition 700 canopy.
Put some time in on the MX2 over the past couple days.... You can see the results. I have a wing anti rotation pin not aligning on the left wing to the fuse.

I started installing my Norman Toth fuse protectors for the wings. These are cnc cut. Well made and thought out too.

I bought a Mejzlik spinner a few weeks back, and then last week, I bought a Petes Model spinner. I put the Petes Spinner on to check it out. I think it looks decent there. Plus, couldnt beat the price on it! ;)

I decided that today would be the day I would tackle the hatch/canopy. Nothing special here. Just about 1/2 tube of Zap Goo to hold the canopy into the frame. The canopy mounts from the inside, not the outside like most others in the composite world.


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Good day, Mike! Is yours CG'd at 120mm at the wing tips? Atleast I think that is what they are wanting for CG. I will have to double check in the book. RTFM!