640cc Uber Pimp
Some day I'll saddle up and build a composite plane.
I even milled the piss out of that Seiko case to cool the servo better.For what it's worth mine has a stock 3W-170 on it. It's a rocket ship and has enough butt to haul up about 15 pounds of extra pyro gear.... When legal.... Plus another couple pounds of lighting gear.
I love the fact you don't need to mess with covering plus I've always been a composite guy. I got the one below custom painted for the 2009 XFC as my primary with a DA-150 on it. Unfortunately it was a total loss after a wing fell off during a practice flight. Didn't even have time to put decals on her yet... Between Chris and I we had her rocking except for the Seiko servo on the rudder which isn't the greatest thing in the world. The Seiko was sort of an experiment for future big planes' use.View attachment 706 View attachment 707
The custom bird had a DA 150 in it. The bird in the background has the 170.Great looking plane!
So, it looks like your 170 fit well in the cowl. I had to cut an opening in the bottom of my cowl for the carb to stick through. It just barely touched, but the choke butterfly would not open. I had a DA170 on my previous MX-2, and it fit inside the cowl just fine. I had to use shorter headers to keep them from hitting the cowl, but everything else fit very well.