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Well Wal-Mart may be an annoying store to go to, but +1 for Wal-Mart.com. I ordered my stereo from them and I don't know where FedEx delivered it, but it was not my house.. So some Joe Blow got a new stereo system for his car for free!

Anyway, in a 5 minute phone call Wal-Mart had another one on it's way out to me with no questions asked. So at least the headache was kept to a minimum!


I just got a little rubber one from NAPA, its not the greatest but it works.. I still haven't decided if I'm even going to use it. The receiver I got has a USB port and an SD card slot. So I thought I'd just get an SD card and load some song on it and just leave it in the trailer. Plus with the USB port, I can plug in my Laptop that has over 2,000 songs on it... So do I really need an antenna? Lol


Don't know a thing..
Yea, working on this for my trailer. I want to be able to listen to football games at the field this fall. Our field is a pretty good ways out, so I am probably going to need a 'little better than average' receiver antenna.... The one Jamesrx posted looks nice, but probably going to make one...


Yea, working on this for my trailer. I want to be able to listen to football games at the field this fall. Our field is a pretty good ways out, so I am probably going to need a 'little better than average' receiver antenna.... The one Jamesrx posted looks nice, but probably going to make one...

I'm hoping mine will work good enough to get the radio station that's close to my field. Definitely don't want to miss any of my Buckeye games this fall!! The Grind For NINE!!!! (sorry had too!!)


With everyone on here and my Facebook page posting pictures of Nall, I had to lock myself in the shop and weep.... And worked on my header panel to take my mind off of it.. lol

It is ready to install, and just about have the drawers finished as well.. Getting so close!!!!
