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3D Shop Construction


The new inspector was easy to please. He barely looked at any of the issue. Just glances and signed off. Of course I don't get the official paperwork till Mon-Tues next week via snail mail.


My wife is looking for a tiller to borrow so we can put ours in this weekend.

So now that my shop is signed off............

-road ties for driveway installed
-chicken coop

I could go on


Just got back from home depot. 25 outlets later..... Tomorrow I'm running electric. They also had a nice big ac unit on sale for clearance... I tried to haggle a lower cost but no dice. I'll go back in a couple days and ask for the manager


What did most of you do for insulating a garage door? I have some rolls of the tinfoil looking insulation but its only R-6. I could go two layers on it.