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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Me too! You'd better be there Steve! I owe you a beer... And I think I owe you one too Sam... :)

got a link to accomodations? Forgive me for being so forgetful but I dont remember remembering that one but Ive been know to travel half way across the US to enjoy a cocktail with friends
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GSN Contributor
I don't have any EF planes yet though, so I guess I'd better get one before heading to an EF event, huh.... :)

Not required, but they do make some awesome stuff. Their 64" MXS is my favorite EF plane to date

got a link to accomodations? Forgive me for being so forgetful but I dont remember remembering that one but Ive been know to travel half way across the US to enjoy a cocktail with friends

Here is the event thread. Send Chad an email or give him a call, he'll set you up.



Not required, but they do make some awesome stuff. Their 64" MXS is my favorite EF plane to date
I know it isn't required, but I'd like to sample what's out there. I've been looking at the 48 MXS and Lasers, but they all are designed for 4s, and that'd be another mess of batteries to buy. Anyone flying them on 3S 2200s?


70cc twin V2
You thinking about making a trip down to bowling green? I may have a few Chicago guys making the trip.

That would be a great time Im sure. Not sure if anyone else here can get the time off as easy as I can but I will check into it for sure. The guys and I usually make the Toledo show/ETOC and the JR indoor in Columbus but as far as competitions go we havent been able to get our shiz together enough to make any.


I know it isn't required, but I'd like to sample what's out there. I've been looking at the 48 MXS and Lasers, but they all are designed for 4s, and that'd be another mess of batteries to buy. Anyone flying them on 3S 2200s?

pretty sure ive read on the EF forums the 48" edge being ran on 3s, cant remember about the laser or mxs. heard the 48 mxs is pretty awesome too.