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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Not a big fan of F3A flying, pattern or whatever it's called :rolleyes:
I've got another offer for an FPV setup. I should be able to make $150 off of this one...

That bumps it up to $370ish. I've heard that there's some motor from HobbyPartz that does equally as well as the Omega 130? :confused: Anybody have a link?





70cc twin V2
I like classic pattern myself but not current F3A. There's just something about slow rolling a plane with a screaming 60 on the pipe that can be heard for miles that just gives me goosebumps. But that's just me and I am spoiled with my club field being in the middle of the state gamelands.


Here's my 4th flight on my Parkzone VisionAire! I started to get a better feel for it a few batteries later, so I'll have a better video up later! Watch in hd.



70cc twin V2
Not a big fan of F3A flying, pattern or whatever it's called :rolleyes:
I've got another offer for an FPV setup. I should be able to make $150 off of this one...

That bumps it up to $370ish. I've heard that there's some motor from HobbyPartz that does equally as well as the Omega 130? :confused: Anybody have a link?



The Vyper is a far cry from an F3A or precision only airframe. I'm lucky enough that I have a Slick for nice and calm 3D days, and an Osiris for windy days. If I could only afford one airframe it would be the Vyper though. It can 3D with the best of them, and handle wind and precision flying well too. It's not the best at any one thing, but it is the best when it comes to trying to do everything with one airframe.
