So I got my Futaba 8FG Super today in the mail, and I'd like to share what I posted on the other forum - a couple of my first thoughts and reactions.
1. Yes it is true. The 8FG feels solid and a lot better than my DX6i. It's very thin and a good weight as well. VERY comfortable. In fact, it might be just a tad smaller than my DX6i!
2. Programming IS easier. In the beginning I thought it was awkward but after using it for a little bit now I'm getting the hang of it FAST. The touch control is really awesome and makes scrolling through the functions much faster than the Spektrum dial thing.
3. NO BIND PLUGS. Yay! I have like 20 of those sitting around LOL... binding is easy and requires no plug. You also don't even have to do anything to the radio, just have it on when you put the RX into bind mode (with FrSKY FASST ones, at least)
4. Yes, sadly, the response speed is *VERY* noticeable. I say sadly because I never thought that it would be true. But heck yes it is. I could tell the difference immediately and it really is like night and day compared to DSM2 or DSMX with Spektrum.
The 8FG Super feels amazing, it's got everything that I need and more. It's so easy to move through the functions that I already set up 3 model memory settings on it (Edge, RadJet, Binary 900), set up expo on the Edge (not dual rates yet - I'm getting there), and on the RadJet, and started to set up flight modes on the Binary 900... among other things.
The back light is great as well. I like the radio a lot!
I need to figure out all the other functions and stuff to really use this radio to it's full potential... but I should be good for now
Had to say thanks to Chad of course, he deserves some credit for me buying this