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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


i use this http://www.youtubedownloaderhd.com/

its free, can DL multiple videos at one time and in HD.

i have been using MPC for playback of videos for years. http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/

its really awesome for trying to learn with 3d tutorials because you can slow down the speed of the video, really helpful when trying to learn stick movements and timing. this has helped me greatly. i can learn the manuveurs alot quicker by slowing the video down.

also if you use the media player classic(MPC) add the K-lite mega codec pack. with it the MPC will play just about any video file. good for everyday use of other videos http://codecguide.com/download_mega.htm you dont need this to play the youtube videos on MPC
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70cc twin V2
So I got my Futaba 8FG Super today in the mail, and I'd like to share what I posted on the other forum - a couple of my first thoughts and reactions.

1. Yes it is true. The 8FG feels solid and a lot better than my DX6i. It's very thin and a good weight as well. VERY comfortable. In fact, it might be just a tad smaller than my DX6i!

2. Programming IS easier. In the beginning I thought it was awkward but after using it for a little bit now I'm getting the hang of it FAST. The touch control is really awesome and makes scrolling through the functions much faster than the Spektrum dial thing.

3. NO BIND PLUGS. Yay! I have like 20 of those sitting around LOL... binding is easy and requires no plug. You also don't even have to do anything to the radio, just have it on when you put the RX into bind mode (with FrSKY FASST ones, at least)

4. Yes, sadly, the response speed is *VERY* noticeable. I say sadly because I never thought that it would be true. But heck yes it is. I could tell the difference immediately and it really is like night and day compared to DSM2 or DSMX with Spektrum.

The 8FG Super feels amazing, it's got everything that I need and more. It's so easy to move through the functions that I already set up 3 model memory settings on it (Edge, RadJet, Binary 900), set up expo on the Edge (not dual rates yet - I'm getting there), and on the RadJet, and started to set up flight modes on the Binary 900... among other things.

The back light is great as well. I like the radio a lot!

I need to figure out all the other functions and stuff to really use this radio to it's full potential... but I should be good for now ;)

Had to say thanks to Chad of course, he deserves some credit for me buying this :p




just one correction - the 8fg being faster has much more to do with it's processor being faster than the dsm2/dsmx protocol. You mentioned it was faster than dsm2/dsmx. I would say it is faster than your dx6 was. Not than dsm2/dsmx. Your old radio was slow. There are many other radios out there that run dsm2/dsmx are also much faster than your dx6 was and would have similarly impressed you with how much better they felt than the dx6.

As I recall many people told you that when you mentioned you were buying a dx6... that is was slow and that it wasn't as able to drive servos to their maximum ability.


Hey everyone. I would just like to take the time to apologize for coming across like I think I am better than everyone( which I and you knwo froa fact I am not). I went back and read some of my previous posts and I feel like a jack*** for some of the stuff I said and I want to apologize for it. I want to make a promise to work on this and make it better. I would also to just like to ask everyone to point out to me when I am being an idiot(from what I read it was quite often) and to just let me know. I feel like I do this because I am not the most liked person in my school and I am trying to be somewhere else.

If you have anything to say either for good or bad just PM me. I hope to make this better and maybe gain a few friends for the fly ins, IMAC comps etc., so I have someone to fly with.

All in all, thanks to the people who pointed this out and I will try my best.

Dan Skuropacki



3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Hey everyone. I would just like to take the time to apologize for coming across like I think I am better than everyone( which I and you knwo froa fact I am not). I went back and read some of my previous posts and I feel like a jack*** for some of the stuff I said and I want to apologize for it. I want to make a promise to work on this and make it better. I would also to just like to ask everyone to point out to me when I am being an idiot(from what I read it was quite often) and to just let me know. I feel like I do this because I am not the most liked person in my school and I am trying to be somewhere else.

If you have anything to say either for good or bad just PM me. I hope to make this better and maybe gain a few friends for the fly ins, IMAC comps etc., so I have someone to fly with.

All in all, thanks to the people who pointed this out and I will try my best.

Dan Skuropacki

Hey Dan, I think everyone goes through this sort of thing at one point or another. What is important is what you do with the information when someone tries to help you correct it. I personally haven't ever really been offended, but if you think you have been out of line and are correcting it that is awesome!


GSN Contributor
Hey everyone. I would just like to take the time to apologize for coming across like I think I am better than everyone( which I and you knwo froa fact I am not). I went back and read some of my previous posts and I feel like a jack*** for some of the stuff I said and I want to apologize for it. I want to make a promise to work on this and make it better. I would also to just like to ask everyone to point out to me when I am being an idiot(from what I read it was quite often) and to just let me know. I feel like I do this because I am not the most liked person in my school and I am trying to be somewhere else.

If you have anything to say either for good or bad just PM me. I hope to make this better and maybe gain a few friends for the fly ins, IMAC comps etc., so I have someone to fly with.

All in all, thanks to the people who pointed this out and I will try my best.

Dan Skuropacki

We're glad to have you with us on this forum, and we all look forward to enjoying more of this awesome hobby with you Dan. Thanks for being so brave, and humble to post that.



A little VisionAire flying in my backyard!:) Watch in hd.
