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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


GSN Contributor
Speaking of money, I have had some garage sale money burning a hole in my pocket for awhile now. Ive been very patient even though patience is not one of my virtues. Soooo....

I think I also was born and raised without that virtue.


70cc twin V2
Some new equipment... :D :D :D :D :D

Late birthday presents ;)






70cc twin V2
Cool! :cool:

I'd love to try DLG, it's about the only aspect of the hobby that I haven't tried yet. Gliders taught me more than I ever could have imagined, and I bet DLG would do the same.


70cc twin V2
Cool! :cool:

I'd love to try DLG, it's about the only aspect of the hobby that I haven't tried yet. Gliders taught me more than I ever could have imagined, and I bet DLG would do the same.

DLG is the #1 most addictive aspect of the hobby that there is. It's so much fun. It is a challenge, but man it's very addictive. I'm hoping to compete this summer for F3K flying (DLG thermalling)!

And yes DLGs can do 3D as well guys, check this out:





3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Dan there is a big DLG competition at my turf farm every year. It is coming up later this month or early next month. There are people that come from all over the country to compete in it. It is a qualifying event for a national competition.

A few years ago I got them hooked up with the site :D I went out there and watched the event for a few minutes and then told them to have fun and left. I'm sure it is a blast to be involved with but watching it is a snore. Other than that I have tossed a buddy's alula around for a couple hours and really got a kick out of that. My arm was sore the next day.


70cc twin V2
Dan there is a big DLG competition at my turf farm every year. It is coming up later this month or early next month. There are people that come from all over the country to compete in it. It is a qualifying event for a national competition.

A few years ago I got them hooked up with the site :D I went out there and watched the event for a few minutes and then told them to have fun and left. I'm sure it is a blast to be involved with but watching it is a snore. Other than that I have tossed a buddy's alula around for a couple hours and really got a kick out of that. My arm was sore the next day.

Yeah it definitely is boring to watch, even videos on DLG are pretty boring. Unless there's music and editing of course ;) I'll have to see what to do about that for my videos on them, hmmmm

Flying DLG is a lot more fun of course ;)

Nice video Dan, I have never really seen that before, thanks for sharing.

Haha yeah it looks like a lot of fun! Only thing is that flying that way means shorter time in the air... Sure you can just throw it back up in the air though :)


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I wouldn't say it's boring. We had a guy who did DLG at my club after a rain storm last fall. During his first launch, he slipped and fell backwards in a huge pool of mud. To add insult to injury, his plane came crashing down 10 seconds later and hit him in the head. If that's not entertaining, I don't know what is! :)


OMG that's horrible!

I wouldn't say it's boring. We had a guy who did DLG at my club after a rain storm last fall. During his first launch, he slipped and fell backwards in a huge pool of mud. To add insult to injury, his plane came crashing down 10 seconds later and hit him in the head. If that's not entertaining, I don't know what is! :)