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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


Nice flying, Zmonster! I'm really looking forward to seeing your 3DRCF 38 routine! I have a feeling you'll impress us!


We're glad to have you with us on this forum, and we all look forward to enjoying more of this awesome hobby with you Dan. Thanks for being so brave, and humble to post that.


yea that was probably one of the bravest posts ive seen on a forum, ever. :)


one thing to remember and this goes for all you guys still in school. high school social life doesnt mean squat. just do your time(4 years), get out and then make something of your life.
i think i can speak from all of us "old" guys by saying that life doesnt start till after high school. youll see what im talking about. you wont see most of those people ever again and if you do later in life, inside youll probably feel sorry for those that gave you drama in the past. youll be in alot better position than them.


one thing to remember and this goes for all you guys still in school. high school social life doesnt mean squat. just do your time(4 years), get out and then make something of your life.
i think i can speak from all of us "old" guys by saying that life doesnt start till after high school. youll see what im talking about. you wont see most of those people ever again and if you do later in life, inside youll probably feel sorry for those that gave you drama in the past. youll be in alot better position than them.

Wise words.


couldn't agree more. Funny how absolutely critical they make those years seem though. Do this for college, do that, it looks good on your transcript, blah blah.
I think for the vast majority of people having a degree from nearly any college is sufficient to get a decent job. The top 5% that become doctors and lawyers and such, well maybe there is an advantage there of going to some ivy league or other school. For me... my computer science degree came from an in state college with relatively cheap tuition and has been more than I've ever needed to get any job I wanted. I now make a job/salary I'm very happy with and that allows me to have a wife that stays at home and raises our two kids. And I have enough left over to buy some rc toys! So I'm totally happy with my crappy little college and all of the possibilities it has afforded me in life. Can't imagine going to some school that costs $25-40,000/year just to get the same type of job I have now...


70cc twin V2
Speaking of money, I have had some garage sale money burning a hole in my pocket for awhile now. Ive been very patient even though patience is not one of my virtues. Soooo....