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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Then there's the guy (FOG) at my field that has a garage full of gassers, but never flown ANY of them. Brings foamies to the club meetings for "show and tell" and that is all he ever flies. He asked me about my CARF P-47 w/ Moki 250 the other day, "that must have cost at least $1200.00, right?". I said, "yep.....for the prop!". His face turned red and he walked away!! LOLOLOL!!!!

Fun with FOGS!!! HAHA!




Damn I'm hungry
I honestly believe fog-ness is a state of mind, rather than an age number. I fly with lots of guys my age, (56) and older who are just the coolest 3D wanna bees you'd want to be around. AND THEN..... (Insert the dramatic music here). There's those ****-heads we all know and definately do not love. A flying buddy just today, was telling a story about the "safety officer" at a local field who told him he couldn't fly his aerobatic plane because he had too much throw on his control surfaces. REALLY?

Very well said as being state of mind! We are the same age (56). I know a BADD AZZ 3D pilot who is 62! Give a 24 yo a run for their money. I feel so "inferior" to him. Yet I CAMPION His achievement.


"Cool Guy"
Well gents I hate the FOG's came out on ya'll this weekend, "BUT" they weren't at my field. It was busy weekend Sat. you all heard about, video's of my, oops, P-huck's awesomeness, and yesterday was I was pretending to be P-huck, only in the nose bleed section of the airspace. Smoke rolling, laughing having a blast, Mr. Herb and I, got in several flights, lots of spectators, and all those questions they have. to cap it off, I took a young member up on buddy cord with Mr. Herbs escapade. and he got to do his first aileron roll, 1 then 2, all just as smooth as silk. He loved the speed of the rimfire .80, and he looked like a 5 year old that just woke up to a ton of xmas presents after landing. Seeing that smile, eyes popping out his head, made ol ChickenBalls fill all warm and fuzzy inside.


640cc Uber Pimp
At least at our field wind blows the FOGs away. One showed up, got out of the truck, looked around and saw no other FOGs for backup and left. Otherwise I'm sure he would have stayed and bitched about something. Probably about the two heli guys doing auto rotations from altitude in the high wind and seeing who could make the best landing in the middle of the runway. Watching a 700 size heli dropping sideways through the wind at speed and flaring at the last minute for a nice landing was cool as hell to watch. There was one hater that showed up and saw some of that, so I'm sure there will be another new rule by next week.


70cc twin V2
Seems like most of the FOGS at my field have served in the Armed Forces at one time or another. I have the utmost respect for their service to this Country and their contribution to the freedoms we enjoy today, BUT......weren't they fighting to keep this Country free from tyranny and laws, rules and taxes that would strangle our freedoms? THEN WHY DO THEY INSIST ON implementing these oppressive rules and run our clubs like the dictators they fought against?

Just more of my random thoughts and $.02




As a retired Marine, let me shed some light on the situation. The current generation of older retired veterans had a totally different experience than what I had during my time in the Corps. I was fortunate to not have seen combat and I thank God for that every day. When you are put in the position of having to command people during combat, it can be life changing. I have friends who have seen combat in this latest venture that we are in and I am here to tell you, they are not the same when they come back. They are always on guard, because that is what it was like in combat. You could never really let your edge down. My theory is that after doing this for many years and then going to the civilian side of life, some people have a very hard time adjusting. For some, when they get the position of authority in our clubs, it takes them back to when they had to have absolute control and they feel comfortable again. This may or may not be the case in your club, but at our club I am the only member of the military in an officer position. I have always been told that I don't seem like a retired Marine. I attribute this to my family and putting them first and not letting the Marine Corps run my life. Could I have went further promotion wise if I had a different outlook, probably, but then I would have probably lost the best part of me, my family, and it wasn't worth risking that for personal gain. I did give the Corps 110% while I was there, but when it came time to cut the ties, I did. I still enjoy traditions and the Marine Corps hymn still makes my eyes water, I think it is the allergies acting up.

Man, where did that come from :)
Exactly... One of ours told Stephen Washington he was "going to kill somebody".
Stephen was at our field this weekend flying @ChickenBalls and @emtp275 planes and what a pleasure it was to watch him. He is also a very nice guy who came across as humble and even though he is not a member of our club he went out of his way to help one of our members on a plane setup and offered encouragement to one of our Youth members who was flying his trainer. He is welcome back any time.
One funny part was a discussion about safety officers and FOG's and @ChickenBalls said "watch out, Bart's our safety officer" and Stephen said "I better watch out what I say" :LOL_gif:This was after I had already seen him do two flights of absolute "throw it down" amazement. It inspired me, as a 3d wannabe, to get out a fly more and work harder to acquire some skills.:)
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70cc twin V2
Stephen was at our field this weekend flying @ChickenBalls and @emtp275 planes and what a pleasure it to watch him. He is also a very nice guy who came across as humble and even though he is not a member of our club he went out of his way to help one of our members on a plane setup and offered encouragement to one of our Youth members who was flying his trainer. He is welcome back any time.
One funny part was a discussion about safety officers and FOG's and @ChickenBalls said "watch out, Bart's our safety officer" and Stephen said "I better watch out what I say" :LOL_gif:This was after I had already seen him do two flights of absolute "throw it down" amazement. It inspired me, as a 3d wannabe, to get out a fly more and work harder to acquire some skills.:)

Yes. I should clarify...
My previous comment was not in any way directed at Bart, or anyone else other than the two alluded to in my post.