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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Wind has been 17-30 the last two days. Looks like we will get a break today, going to be really cold for this area. 47 right now, trying to dig out some heavy clothes to put on to fly. Calling for 59 buy about 10 am will be a little better. Some would call that a heat wave. But if the SUN IS GLOWING I GOT TO BE GOING.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Very frosty this morning here in Idaho. But the sun is shinning and no wind. Looking to "FINALLY" maybe, possibly, hopefully, perhaps....going flying. Fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed.....ugh, scratch that last one. LOL


640cc Uber Pimp
I was recently hired by Hitec so the old gear had to go. :yesss:

Put JR or spektrum guts in the Hitec case when they are not looking?

Just kidding, congrats on the job. I've got tons os Hitec stuff but never heard anything good about the TXs so can't say for myself.


70cc twin V2
Went to the field this morning for the first time this year, gate was locked and the combo was changed! Grrrrrr! Waited around for a bit and a few friends showed up, but they didn't have the combo either! We have really bad ice fog this morning, but it's supposed to be 49 and sunny today, so I'm leaving the truck loaded and I'll go back in a bit and see if anyone shows up after the fog clears. I guess it's nice to only live 5 miles from the field!


70cc twin V2
Nice to be close. we ended up with beautiful day. 5-6 mph wind got up to 67 this afternoon. Wind showing 18-25 tomorrow as tail of front passes thru. We tried to wear the sticks out today knowing won't fly tomorrow.