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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Drove up north 7 hours Friday to meet up with Dave Planebender Sullivan and a couple other friends to fly Saturday. Fog moved in over night but that didn't bother us. We just kept it under the 100 foot ceiling (we don't fly any higher anyhow) and had the complete place to ourselves. Did some cool hovering over a drop off below us. Never hovered below myself before, that was weird at first. One of the guys made this video.


RJ 706

70cc twin V2
We had a great day down south with 60 degrees and blue sky. Celebrated a birthday for one of our Jr. pilots with a cookout and birthday cake.

Also had Charles Youngblood, the VP of IMAC visit with us. After quite a few flights he told us we were all an embarrassment to model aviation and should sell our planes and take up Putt Putt.

Just kidding!! Charles could not have been nicer and we all enjoyed his company and look forward to him returning. So far I have yet to meet anyone from IMAC that was not the same. Outgoing and more than willing to share information.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend and took their planes home in the same condition they arrived in.
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70cc twin V2
Drove up north 7 hours Friday to meet up with Dave Planebender Sullivan and a couple other friends to fly Saturday. Fog moved in over night but that didn't bother us. We just kept it under the 100 foot ceiling (we don't fly any higher anyhow) and had the complete place to ourselves. Did some cool hovering over a drop off below us. Never hovered below myself before, that was weird at first. One of the guys made this video.

Nice video!!


640cc Uber Pimp
Did some cool hovering over a drop off below us. Never hovered below myself before, that was weird at first.
Nice job guy's, nothing like some huckin with friends
you-rock-smiley-emoticon (1).gif
Spent the day out flying with friends at our home hump at Friendly Flyers. The wind was gusty and variable but there wasn't a cloud to be found. Temps in the high 50s. Great day until landing after my 4th flight, that's when the wind bit me. Was flying my Funtana 100x, it ballooned and then slammed straight down. Popped the rudder completely off, so much for flat CA hinges [emoji6]. Also broke the CF adding gear as well as stripped the rudder servo.

It was an expensive day.

BJ Swope


70cc twin V2
Had a Great day today flying with Gene and Scott! unusually warm for south Dakota this time of year. I am glad I left one plane alone so I had something to fly! Much better than flying on the sim all winter.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok, Today! Sunny, 42 degrees, 0-3 mph winds. Oh yeah, this boy finally got some laps in. Low down to the ground harriers, alien walls, stand still hovers, wickedly insane snaps, half throttle blenders, plenty of pop tops, and my favorite....neck breaking knife edge spins. Amazing what a little vitamin "D" will do for a persons soul. Oh yeah, and flyin' too. :yesss:
Edge 540 2015 first flights.jpg