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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Finally got to the field this year! Zero wind, 50 degrees, and had the field all to myself! Because I didn't know the condition of the runway (other than covered in snow) I only took my .40 size profile planes so I could hand-launch them. Turns out there is a hard crust on the snow and I could have flown the bigger stuff. I got in 11 flights between my Mojo and Primo. Burned over 1/2 gallon of glow fuel 8 oz at a time, or about 2 hours of solid flying time!

Got a little too confident after the RF practice this winter, the profiles are waaaaay twitchier than the sim planes! Both mishaps with the Primo, knife edge a little too low and caught the aileron tip, resulting in a tear in the covering on the aileron as the only damage. A little packing tape and right back at it. Was having fun with a descending and climbing flat spin for about 5 minutes on the next flight, got bored at about 5 feet and went to fly out of it, but overcorrected because the profile does everything so fast and pancaked it in the snow. No damage at all from that one! All in all a great morning of flying!



Finally got to the field this year! Zero wind, 50 degrees, and had the field all to myself! Because I didn't know the condition of the runway (other than covered in snow) I only took my .40 size profile planes so I could hand-launch them. Turns out there is a hard crust on the snow and I could have flown the bigger stuff. I got in 11 flights between my Mojo and Primo. Burned over 1/2 gallon of glow fuel 8 oz at a time, or about 2 hours of solid flying time!

Got a little too confident after the RF practice this winter, the profiles are waaaaay twitchier than the sim planes! Both mishaps with the Primo, knife edge a little too low and caught the aileron tip, resulting in a tear in the covering on the aileron as the only damage. A little packing tape and right back at it. Was having fun with a descending and climbing flat spin for about 5 minutes on the next flight, got bored at about 5 feet and went to fly out of it, but overcorrected because the profile does everything so fast and pancaked it in the snow. No damage at all from that one! All in all a great morning of flying!


That's dedication, flying in that cold a$$ snow.


70cc twin V2
Today was beautiful for flying and warm!! When I lived in Alaska, we used to fly during the winter every weekend and temps were anywhere from +10 to -30 degrees! This is easy compared to that! Only time my hands got cold today was from the prop wash when I was holding the plane down while tuning.

The picture in my profile was taken when it was -30 and I am standing on a lake. We flew float planes off it in the summer and the ice made a great and smooth runway during the winter!

My buddy "Samsonite Mike" flying in a snowstorm:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok, Today! Sunny, 42 degrees, 0-3 mph winds. Oh yeah, this boy finally got some laps in. Low down to the ground harriers, alien walls, stand still hovers, wickedly insane snaps, half throttle blenders, plenty of pop tops, and my favorite....neck breaking knife edge spins. Amazing what a little vitamin "D" will do for a persons soul. Oh yeah, and flyin' too. :yesss:View attachment 10307
Just a little addition to the Sunday fun. Chris and his Pilot Yak with DLE 120. Not much of a cell phone video and of course I missed all the really good stuff, but fun all the same.