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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Another awesome morning of flying, no mishaps today! It was colder, 23 degrees, and ice fog for the first hour, but no wind again. I wimped out today, I had to sit in the truck and warm up my hands between flights, so I only got in 8 flights today. Apparently, I'm the only one at our field taking advantage of the awesome flying weather!



I like 'em "BIG"!
Are you'.ll below normal moisture
Mmmm.....'bout normal I think. It really does not get too wet here in the winter. I mean we have our snow and our rain like everyone, but not terribly drenching. I would however, rather be under a Palm tree, drinking a Pina Colada, and flying an r/c plane over the ocean. Aaaah! Serenity....LOL