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What beer ya drinking tonight?


@pawnshopmike ...what's up with the plastic ball on the cans (widgets)? I guess its to stir up any sediment before you pour it into a glass. It's kinda neat to watch as it fills the glass....looks like all foam then the heavy foam falls to the bottom while the light floats to the top. Looks and tastes good! Found a website that sells Guinness glass ware...gotta order some to go with my Genghis collection....


I'm glad you've found the joyous widget!

Here's everything you could ever want to know about the widget.:way_to_go:


Now I know...Thanks The Europeans are leaps and bounds ahead of us with beer technology.... a creamy head is signature Guinness so achieving it with cans is real important just like pulling it from a keg... never thought it was nitrogen ...just carbon dioxide like the others. So I guess shaking the beer isn't necessary LOL...


You know Mike with all these beers I've been drinking I started back running again..did 3.5 this morning. Small price to pay in order to consume the extra calories...


Staff member
You know Mike with all these beers I've been drinking I started back running again..did 3.5 this morning. Small price to pay in order to consume the extra calories...
That's great news Mike!
My first 5K of the year is in May and I've been trying to get into shape after the winter break. It's been tough because old man winter just won't give up. Had another does of snow this morning in fact. It didn't stick around long though thank goodness.