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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Staff member
Mexican tonight!


I started out tonight with Corona Extra and had a couple of Samuel Adams then switch back to Guinness. So for Guinness has turned out to be my pick of the litter..


Staff member
@Bipeguy03 @Mikeq
I really hope that at some point in your lives you make it to a British pub for a pint of Guinness. Only then will you truly know how great Guinness really is. The stuff they ship us across the pond is flat, bland and lifeless compared to the real deal.


@Bipeguy03 @Mikeq
I really hope that at some point in your lives you make it to a British pub for a pint of Guinness. Only then will you truly know how great Guinness really is. The stuff they ship us across the pond is flat, bland and lifeless compared to the real deal.

It's always been a dream of mine to take a vacation to Europe at some point...lets just say it's on my bucket list. LOL A friend of mine won a sales trip back in the late 90's to England and did all the traditional stops Buckingham Palace, changing of the guard, Shakespeare's quarters, Westminster Abby , Stonehenge and many other sites. I loved listening to him tell about many of the historical places they went in the short time they were there...he definitely wants to return and do it again. The one thing I remember he told me was when they were in a pub he ordered a coke for his wife and they brought it with no ice....he asked for some and they gave him 2 cubes...LOL I've always heard they like their beer unrefrigerated and that would be something for me to get use to...

Mike the stuff we get you say is bland I wonder if that's done on purpose or by request? Maybe if some of our microbreweries can mimic their original we can enjoy the best of both sides of the pond..
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Staff member
I've been to 50+ pubs accross England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. And I've drank 100's of pints. Never once have I been served a warm beer. That is mainly a London thing I think and I've never been to London. Nor do I care too. I like the quite country side and the small towns and villages.

As far as the coke/ice delemia, best advise I can give to anyone traveling to the UK (or any foreign country for that matter), don't go there and expect it to be the USA. And why would you? If you want an American experience its much cheaper to just stay in the States.
One thing you have to realize when you go to the UK, almost every building you set foot in is older than our country. Over the centuries they have done their best to integrate modern conviences into there businesses and homes. So if you are at a pub and they don't serve ice with their coke, good chance is they don't have a large commercial ice maker. One because they don't have the space (guess they never thought of it 300 years ago when they were building the kitchen) and if they have the room, running plumbing and wiring through 1 or 2 foot thick stone walls is a bitch.
And forget about posh plush bathrooms. Expect to see a lot of exposed plumbing and dated fixtures. Cause like I said, they didn't plan for it hundreds of years ago. One thing about the UK, and most of Europe for that matter, they build stuff to last. Here in the states we think nothing of tearing down shopping malls and rebuilding them every 25 or 30 years. Not so in the UK. Don't get me wrong, they do build new stuff. Which is we're you'll find your modern conviences. But it's very unusual for them to tear down old to build new. It literly takes years for places like Asda (Wal-Mart) to get council approval to build a new shopping center. Lots and lots of planning goes into any new venture over there.


Staff member
Mike the stuff we get you say is bland I wonder if that's done on purpose or by request? Maybe if some of our microbreweries can mimic their original we can enjoy the best of both sides of the pond..

I have my theory about that. For one, I sure the Guinness is fresher over there. I'm not sure how long it take for them to ship it to the states, months maybe? And two, drawing the perfect pint is a bit of an art form that I your average bartender in the states just isn't familiar with.
