Yes, the farther forward you mount your motor, the closer the battery can be to the CG (wingtube area)
I think had 5/8" extensions, a wood prop, and a spinner, all of which provide some extra nose weight.
I'm using the 3/8" wood extensions that came with my 72" Extra with a Motrolfly 4315/714. My main problem is that there's no good place for additional velcro up in the nose area. The previous owner put a strap with some velcro around the lower section of the box that the battery can catch onto (see picture). I think Econpatric's idea with the paint stirrer might be useful. A paint stirrer or some plywood to make a platform on the floor of the motor box to support velcro and battery. That would also help stiffening the box to withstand the forces from high-energy maneuvers. I've already added some CF for that, but it can't hurt to make it even stiffer. And I'm not that worried about the weight since it likes to have some nose weight anyway.