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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


"Cool Guy"
Well myself and @mulehead1969 went out this morning, it didn't go well. Really not sure what happened(lock out), flight went well, he was taxing back to safety fence, it went full throttle, took out one post of fence, HARD HIT, it knocked 2x4 post 10' into the pits. Good news, set of wings, wing tube, and cowl, he back in business. I was out there taking pics, scared the dodo outta me. First pic is the taxi back, then all hell broke loose.


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70cc twin V2
Glad it was just a fence and not a person...what a weird feeling that woulda been taxing along and all of sudden full throttle.



Loaded up the cap and went to have fun. Had to take some profiles as well. Put three 10 minute flights on the cap and I'm liking it more each time. @wecoyote who I got the plane from flew it for a few minutes and said he could immediately tell that two pounds was missing from when he was flying it.
The DLE 55 is really starting to come to life. Today makes 5 flights on it and I could tell it was getting stronger. Can tell it's prolly pretty close to needing a little bit of a tweak to the tune. First flight I did some trimming and actual flight check of the CG. At about 2/3 to 3/4 throttle I pulled into a 45 up line. Rolled inverted and it maintained its climb for roughly 15-20 yards before the nose started dropping. I would say that's pretty damn close to perfect for me. Plane does awesome pop tops. Need to practice more though as I was unable to maintain the flag spin. Also played with my KE mixing after each flight and getting it really close. I'm one happy camper and ready to go back out.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Well myself and @mulehead1969 went out this morning, it didn't go well. Really not sure what happened(lock out), flight went well, he was taxing back to safety fence, it went full throttle, took out one post of fence, HARD HIT, it knocked 2x4 post 10' into the pits. Good news, set of wings, wing tube, and cowl, he back in business. I was out there taking pics, scared the dodo outta me. First pic is the taxi back, then all hell broke loose.
Dang that sucks. May I ask what radio system?


640cc Uber Pimp
Well myself and @mulehead1969 went out this morning, it didn't go well. Really not sure what happened(lock out), flight went well, he was taxing back to safety fence, it went full throttle, took out one post of fence, HARD HIT, it knocked 2x4 post 10' into the pits. Good news, set of wings, wing tube, and cowl, he back in business. I was out there taking pics, scared the dodo outta me. First pic is the taxi back, then all hell broke loose.
Man that sucks. I'm really glad no one was hurt. Did you have a fail safe set on the throttle?

About 2 years ago I had a throttle servo go nuts on start up and try to eat me. Thankfully I had it tied down well.:omg:


I like 'em "BIG"!
@Shayne Epley and myself had a duel of the Pilot Edge's today. He with his DLE 55 powered 30%, me with my DLE 111 powered 37%. Weather was perfect for some side by side stall turns, hovering and even hanging it on the prop while I did knife edge circles around him. I just gotta git him to stay put while I do a complete circle. Lol

We were in a bit of a test mode with his, to some extent. He purchased the new Graupner MZ24 and finally got it installed. We also decided to give an Iridium plug a try in his 55. We were both pleasantly surprised at how his plane dramatically changed and transformed into a completely different flying machine. The DLE 55 instantly gained 260 to 310 rpm. From roughly 72'is to a solid 7510 rpm. And talk about glass smooth. We'll as glass smooth as a single lunge can be. Not to mention the midrange burble is almost non exsistant. I've never seen that motor run that well. I was so impressed that I know a certain number of planes of my own that will soon be sporting Iridium plugs. As for the MZ24, very rock solid with not so much as a sneeze. The 4096 resolution had those 7954's just whispering through their movements. Also ultra responsive. I fear I'd have to learn to fly all my planes all over again. In my opinion, it is more responsive than any other radio I've flown. Both the revisions to his Edge made it a Deadly combination of pure fun.

All in all, an awesome day flying and a grrrrreat way to end the weekend.
Figured out what happened. If you look at chicken balls first pic you can see the engine is only holding on by one bolt. The other 3 are sheered off. Crap luck I guess.