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Discussion The I’m Going/Went Flying Thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Got up and out early, at the field at 9am trying to beat the heat. I generally don’t fly in July/August. Today was perfect; overcast and cooled off from rain yesterday. I hated to leave but already had a full day planned. 4-10+ minute flights makes for a great morning.


I got to the field at 10:30, my flying buddy Ken was there already, he ask what time can we fly on Sunday? I don't know, lets look at the rules. Checked the rules and discover flying on Sunday is 1:00 PM! We BS for a while and he decides to go home, I waited it out and put four practice flights on the Champ. Of course the winds were dead calm until 12:30! On the fourth flight I had a 9 mph cross wind, time to pack it up.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Maybe the heat but our annual war bird flyin was sparsely attended. Mostly electrics and a few gas powered.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I generally don’t try much to fly January February July and August. Although Georgia is a fairly mild state weather wise so it can be done year round.