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Discussion The I’m Going/Went Flying Thread


Flight line at "Wings Over Piper" today. This was the first day and folks continued to arrive throughout the day. There are not many places in PA where you don't need to worry about trees when flying. My first flight of the day was a little after 9:00 and it was dead calm, what a wonderful flight.
The models are using the full scale grass runway at the Lock Haven Airport, the paved runway was open for full scale The Williamsport RC club did a wonderful job getting the filed ready for the event. I seen plates from Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Virginia, DC, Maine and of course PA. The airport is in a valley between the mountains along with the west branch of the Susquehanna River.



Heading to the Carper Scale Classic this morning located at the Bob Evans Farm in Rio Grande Ohio to fly in their scale event, hey someone needs to come in last! First scale event that I have flown in.


CARPER CLASSIC scale event
Someone brought a Champ!
Take off round 2 on Saturday at the Carper Classic scale event.
Trim check following take off.
Fly-Past maneuver.
There were 9 pilots flying, attendance was down this year possibly due to weather forecast, I don't know as this was my first time I attended. The event has been going on for over 30 years. Since this my first event I flew in the novice category with 1 other pilot. I thought I did well on round 1, on round 2 I accidently touched down during the Overshoot maneuver half on the run way and half in the tall grass, I powered up and tried to pull out but the grass won and flipped the plane over. Thankfully just broke a prop. The video of the Overshoot is corrupt and I have ask for another copy from the gentleman that took it. I went into round three in second (LAST) place but managed to win the novice class since the lowest score is rejected.


640cc Uber Pimp
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Did some heli flying yesterday with my new Goosky S2 Legend. Totally new skill for me to learn and it will never replace fixed wing but it’s fun learning.
I got a couple Goosky's as well this last year. Nice little machines, and quite the respect for those who fly 3D helis. I'm a fixed wing dude, but this sure keeps you on your toes more!