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Search results

  1. Joe's Dad

    HK is selling models of their CS reps as pilot figures

    Silly me I thought they were a joke at first. Owell
  2. Joe's Dad

    Jeti DS-16 and Telemetry

    Put a little video together to show a bit of the Telemetry on the DS 16 Jeti Radio http://youtu.be/NWBYKZuFIYA
  3. Joe's Dad

    More predictable pop tops

    Wow how time flies, 3 years ago already.
  4. Joe's Dad

    More predictable pop tops

    Some nice ones in this video 1:20 4:03 http://youtu.be/OJqg4wUyeRE
  5. Joe's Dad

    2013 Schedule

    Guess we are doing NEFI this year
  6. Joe's Dad

    3dhs 92" edge 540 !!!

    Pull pull
  7. Joe's Dad

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    104 At Nall http://youtu.be/OJqg4wUyeRE
  8. Joe's Dad

    3DHS 87" Extra 300 SHP

    You don't have time to write a book, Silly.
  9. Joe's Dad

    72" Extra 330SC

    Why? I"m sure he would like too. Just understand that if something happens during the maiden, it's a issue with the plane. And he's probably your best bet if something does happen.
  10. Joe's Dad

    2013 Schedule

    Don't think we are doing NEFI this year. Got another invite the same week end.
  11. Joe's Dad

    Fried ESC and BEC

    When you get new ones, pull the red wire on the ESC. You don't want both hooked to your receiver.
  12. Joe's Dad

    Motor Mounting Question

    usually a good washer and locknut
  13. Joe's Dad

    Dle 20

    You should start with the high speed needle. It starts to come into play at half throttle. If the high is rich the idle acts exactly as you describe. And will cause the midrange issues you are having. jim
  14. Joe's Dad

    3dhs 92" edge 540 !!!

    The 92 at NAll http://youtu.be/y5FsT6813KE
  15. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I'm only leaving the video up for a very short time. I've kept it private to show the sponsors what happened, Videos don't lie, I'm sharing it here so you guys can see the truth. To easy to develope an opinion from just conjecture and people with a vendetta against others from what they read...
  16. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    What really happened during the smoke out http://youtu.be/f0fps0cY_6w
  17. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Custom Carden flight that had the owner Smiling. http://youtu.be/_YBYNASzeUE
  18. Joe's Dad

    Help choosing next 50cc airframe

    A DA 50 would handle the 87 okay. DLE 55 would be a bit better. The 89 is not happy with a DA50 on it unless its piped well. Been running DA60's in the 87