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  1. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Hey guys, Just updated/ created this "public resource" link from one of my club sites. Check it out and feedback welcomed. Thanks, Daren https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=860107317413241&id=411037272320250
  2. dth7

    New to 3D

    Great feedback Nate. James is monitoring this thread and has been very receptive so far. This will only help him work through this marketing quandary. Thanks.
  3. dth7

    New to 3D

    I emailed with James and told him I would be offering feedback on his site. We have discussed the "leader" trial then purchase to get "full" access marketing. He is a one man show for development, flying, filming, web design, etc. I recommended and would ask for feedback here that he consider a...
  4. dth7

    New to 3D

    Really nice tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
  5. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Been away for a while with other priorities. Is anyone out there flying any precision to get a solid foundation to their 3D. What are you learning? Is it helping? Any questions? We've seen a slight uptick in younger 3D and freestyle pilots entering IMAC as a way to hone more skill sets...
  6. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    good job alawson999 promoting. I had a 2 yr old at the field with his mom doing control checks on my 60" Laser then he got a private air show. "Watch me turn the airplane into a helicopter!" He liked that. Had a very rewarding day Friday at my 9 year old's 3rd grade class. Did the AMA/...
  7. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    +1. I have had one on my 78 extra w DLE 35 for 2 years!
  8. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    This is true. If possible you will want to setup minimum 2 but better 3 rates. I prefer 3 on separate switches. When I fly IMAC I set rates as low as possible but able to do snaps and spins efficiently. Some change rates for the spins and snaps. I'd rather not if I can help it. I use my planes...
  9. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Yes definitely another good "practice" maneuver that is pleasing to the eye as well. Want to bump it up a notch do all rolling! Who said that?
  10. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    That's another "challenge". Slow roll the length of the field! Point rolls are another good one. Hold the points for at least a second or two. Lots of good little challenges for yourselves or a group. Will do more for the flying than endless circles and touch and goes.
  11. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Hey alawson999 thanks a lot. It's the way I live my past life vicariously through the models. I did just finish up a Stinger 90 large EDF. I have a fun distraction with the EDFs. I'm VP at one club that's for jets and giants. The boys want me to get turbines! I'll stick to the Giants and EDFs...
  12. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    The thing that gets me the most is just taking a few minutes per flight to fly deliberately and fly some wind corrected lines and use rudder, put the plane where you want it instead of reacting at what it did! Pilots would A. Enjoy flying in all weather (not running at wind above 5mph or blaming...
  13. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Hello, In an effort to keep this thread alive and promote precision flying which IMHO is the solid foundation to any quality 3D and XA flying (it's what separates "huckers" from "pilots", not that a good huck isn't fun!) I wanted to link a playlist I'm building on IMAC videos. Some are my own...
  14. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Looks like a vision of fun and success!
  15. dth7

    Tim Pastor from RedwingRC shows us how to repair any plane in 3 easy steps!

    I've never "Kunkeled" a model but a temperamental glow plane would be a reason to start. It would be quite slippery wouldn't it? Sorry, couldn't resist. With the gas technology the way it is now the only reason I could see to fly glow is having a fleet in place that's working well. Electric...
  16. dth7

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    It's in another video. That was the repair remaiden. Here- I ain't proud. Ain't crashin ain't tryin! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xue98ZKlhYk
  17. dth7

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Thanks. Life after dumb thumbs today. Looks pretty from a few feet. Flying like new. Love this plane. I'll keep you in mind if there is ever a left wing salvaged! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X7Gftn536yA
  18. dth7

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Just to nudge back toward topic. I had a good CS experience with Curtis at EF last week. I dumb thumbed my 60 Laser and needed a canopy. The first came dented in a perfect box? I emailed Curtis and sent a pic. Next day I received a shipping notice from UPS! They all just need to appreciate that...