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  1. Bill Newton

    Scale BUSA Super Cub

    WOW that's looking good...GREAT work Tony ..I picked up many great tips from your amazing build....thanks a lot....
  2. Bill Newton

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    I am learning lots from this thread thanks for taking the time to do all this photo work....
  3. Bill Newton

    jeti DS 16 thread

    Hi guys, I am looking at joining you guys and changing/using JETI...they seem to be very well built and so far I haven't had anyone contradict that...so I am looking at this thread to gain info...thanks all...one note they are very expensive DOWNUNDER...but I really think they will give me an...
  4. Bill Newton

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    Very nice work ...am watching closely, and will pinch your idea about battery-holding platforms...much better than stuffing a kilo of foam in to hold it in.....keep up the fantastic work ...and take care and stay safe...
  5. Bill Newton

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    Hi sorry I didn't mean to get you to change anything and I know my own CUB's and PC6 Pilatus...haven't got them on...plus I bet that anything like the bolts coming loose is probably never happened...and also it's item 5 on my checklist before flying....to check that they are tight...but the...
  6. Bill Newton

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    Just a quick question....will you put a Nyloc nut on the bolts thru the firewall for the engine mounting....just a thought, tell me if it's a ridiculous idea and not needed, unfortunately, I am learning solo, so I rely on you guys to set me straight....Thanks
  7. Bill Newton

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    Just a quick question....will you put aNtloc nut on the bolts thru the firewall for the engine mounting....just a thought, tell me if it's a ridiculous idea and not needed, unfortunately, I am learning solo, so I rely on you guys to set me straight....Thanks
  8. Bill Newton

    Cub 1/3 scale

    I know this has taken me a long time to get back to you guys...as I said, I think...(sometimes)...that I have solved the problem...will test on my small CUB 2.6m wingspans..yellow CUB..as in the photo. In that long time period, I have been reconditioning a few of my glow motors and my GAS...
  9. Bill Newton

    Cub 1/3 scale

    Hi All..Actually, you guys have partially answered my question. One of my models has Nylon wing nuts holding the wing in place...on the larger one..unidentified ...there were 2 Allen key bolts that had wire joining them together and Loctite on the thread...see photos attached. As can be seen...
  10. Bill Newton

    Cub 1/3 scale

    Hi ALL ...this is my first post since becoming an owner of 3 large (giant) scale planes...YES, I have caught the large CUB addiction....My question is how do you lock the wings in place...I have 3 different methods in my Cubs..and to my mind none of them are satisfactory. My solution would be a...
  11. Bill Newton

    Idea! Avatar Update

    Hi Yes I think that's a great idea unless of course, you have some great attachment to your AVATAR...but otherwise its a good idea
  12. Bill Newton

    H9 15cc Carbon Cub

    HI AKNic...just getting really into nearly giant size...I am collecting CUBs...large ones..all second hand...but i am getting some good info from your shots....what addition is the MAN and year...so i will post soon some shots of mine...1st CUB is 2.2 mteres...the 2nd is 2.9 mtres and I am...
  13. Bill Newton

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hi guys...I m from Australia..a very small town called Pambula Beach...we fly from a private aerodrome about 20 minutes from where I live ..and the Club is affectionally know as "the Frogs Hollow Flyers'...yes thats the name of the place. I have only just got back into flying in the last 2 years...
  14. Bill Newton

    Alert! The FAA want's you out of the NAS!!!

    Hi guys, It makes very interesting reading...I agree that it seems very heavy handed...but down under we have a situation where the drone flyers are just doing what they want. Given there are always a few idiots in any pack..it appears that from my own personal point of view...having let the...