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    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    A little late to this party, but just finished my build and maiden flight. Ditto on the thanks to cody for the build thread, very helpful. Given the early sunset hour now, my maiden was done under the lights in the empty part of a strip mall parking lot. :)
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Product Idea: GoPro Hat Mounting Whether it worked or not, a ton would be sold
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    You may be addicted to RC if...

    When your truck is rear ended, and the first thing you check is for damage to the two planes and transmitter you always carry in the back, just in case you have time to fly.
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Does rebuild of one that has spent the last week about 60 feet up in a tree count? Literally have an appt with a professional tree climber tommorrow - salvage the electronics worst case.
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Ping me via email - I will share the RMU info when it comes (usually October) and info on other sites Guessing the others on the forum don't care about our local details.
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    Twisted Hobbys - Crack Pitts Mini

    I have about 30 flights on mine now. The last two were this morning on the way to work ;-) I also have the mini YAK, so the build was pretty similar. Love the way the plane flys - still have just a touch of wing rock in very slow harriers - suggestions welcome (though this is entirely...
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Thanks for the warm welcome I am in a suburb of Pittsburgh - Wexford Flying usually at North Park or Hartwood Acres - RMU Dome Flys in the winter months and you?
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hi Alan from Pittsburgh Charter Member of the "more money than good sense" club when it comes to RC 3D Firmly believe that level, upright flight is really OK only as a transition to what comes next Seem to be gravitating towards twisted hobbies 3d foamies and Precision Aerobatics...