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  1. A

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    My personal favorite wind day optical illusion is a Knife Edge Hover If it is zero groundspeed, to the unenlightened, it is a "hover", right? I used to do some RC slope soaring in the Texas Panhandle in my younger days - as the winds come up, those old skills and reflexes come to the surface...
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Being serious for just a moment - There are a few things in life that are inherently "open ended" in one's pursuit of mastery. While we are all at different places in our journey of improving our skills in our chosen "sport"; none of us is, or ever will be, at a point where there is nothing else...
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    You need an emissary - someone like me - a grumpy old guy who loves 3D and XA
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    "All hat, No Cattle" Had to laugh out loud - haven't heard that since I left Texas!
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    Squirrel Steals Airplane

    So you mean his flying is "SQUIRRELY"?
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    Twisted Hobbys - Crack Pitts Mini

    A question for those wiser than me ( low hurdle ) What is the useful life of a servo? The reason I ask is that my Crack Pitts Mini is into triple digits on the flight count now - and tho I fly the heck out of it, I seldom smack hard surfaces anymore. I am beginning to see weird stuff...
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Does anyone have any extra info or insight into the F3P competition and team trials planned in Akron in March? I looked at the sportsman routine - looks pretty straight forward to me - have never been in a competition before, and have only the goal to improve my skills a bit, and have fun...
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Keith - welcome - you will get lots of good advice for the asking here. Since you are just starting 3D flying and need something durable, and replaceable, one good option is to check out the Twisted Hobbies thread. I have 3, and fly at least one of them every day the weather permits. Other...
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Guess that makes me a WOG Weird Old Guy
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    When I was in Kindergarten, dates were represented in roman numerals - I was there when Ben Franklin invented LiPo fly in 3D and XA now anyway
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    My goal is to again be 12 year old - at least in terms of my hobbies
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    And the median coincides nicely with "peak earning years" ;-)
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Previous meant as a reply to LawnJockey
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    I try to fly every day,for at least a few minutes - sometimes the weather won't permit, but once I got that mindset, I am at probably 80%. Makes a big difference for me, both in my skills, and in my attitude for the rest of life's chalenges.
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    Twisted Hobbys - Crack Pitts Mini

    I agree - I have 3 TH planes in my flying rotation, each is solid, but with a unique "personality". Calm and Snow covered here this morning, but the winds are <5, so I think I'll try to run thru a few batteries on my way to work :-)
  16. A

    Twisted Hobbys - Crack Pitts Mini

    I enjoy mine too, tho my skills fall far short of yours. I notice you keep the airspeed somewhat faster than my norm, is this a style or pref - or is there something in the nature of the airframe that makes it work better that way?
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ok, I think I may need some professional psych help, but since I can't find any, I put my visions and voices to this group. Winter is beginning to really get ot me - Snow storm after snow storm - went flying today in 18" of snow, an winds and temps that were just ridiculous. Being an engineer...
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    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Burbs of Pittsburgh , best venue here is the monthly rc night at the "golf dome" - about 10x a gym
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    You may be addicted to RC if...

    My Twisted Hobbies 24" is what I fly most - no fist fights