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  1. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    You will love it! If not, you know my address! Enjoy.
  2. dth7

    Extreme Flight Owners Thread

    Now Bandit if you play too hard with your toys you are going to break them! Funny clip. Turning dollars into laughs.
  3. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    A fine day. Just Sayin!
  4. dth7

    Plum Island, MA New England Jets hosted fun fly - anything welcome!

    Great Event, quite the mix and everyone played well with others! Photos if you are interested- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.521427974614512.1073741854.411037272320250&type=1&l=c1568df925
  5. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    I know. First HV servos- Me like!
  6. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Maiden Complete- THUMBS UP UP UP! :grrreat::clap::banana::pompom: Have to agree with Matt. After only 10 minutes of flying at a Fly in that didn't allow for a full wringing out I can tell this is a definite winner. I've only pulled the 48" MXS and 60" Extra but I can't think of a more...
  7. dth7

    Team 3DRCF Joe "Hone" Villavicencio

    Sounds like fun Joe. I just finished a 60" Laser last night. Going to maiden today at a fly in. I'll be flying my 78 also. I have to make smooth landings since my gear is "sprained". The CF delammed somewhere I can't see and it's a little weak. Waiting on a hvy duty layup fr graph tech. Should...
  8. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Finished! Maiden tomorrow at the fly in. My 7245s were jittering quite a bit on the bench. I do the fuzzy Velcro trick which seems to help. Can't wait to get this one flying.
  9. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Finally getting mine together! Fly in this weekend so hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow and maiden. I copied my 60 Extra setup as a starting point. Should be good. Have a good weekend folks.
  10. dth7

    Team 3DRCF Joe "Hone" Villavicencio

    Nice work Joe! Don't you love the 78? I'm starting to get comfortable with mine. Certainly not taking it that low but I love how you can low energy tumble it, slow roll it, then really rip it with high energy. Great versatile frame for sure. I like those hesitation high alpha rolls. Have you...
  11. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Nice flying man. Nice field too. It's hard doing an IMAC competition with a plane you know is capable and fun to do the 3D with isn't it? I feel the temptation to just cut loose.
  12. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Welcome. A very helpful and knowledgable group here. Ask away! You'll likely have an answer or three in minutes. Good luck with the Vyper.
  13. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Ordered 2" CF tape from eBay. Will try to stiffen up the stock EF gear as a backup. Graph tech hvy dty will be primary. Going to do wheel pant beefing up too!
  14. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Are those the sicko servos Cody has? I'm going old school with 7245s and a BEC.
  15. dth7

    78'' Extra

    I've never seen them straight (not that that matters) and I believe the instructions have them crossed. May be wrong.
  16. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Cross and try to position them so they don't rub. You can put one on top of the servo arm and one below to give a little separation at the intersection. Also, don't tension the cables too tight. You shouldn't have any play when deflecting the rudder but not much tighter.
  17. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    A couple 7245s to finish out my 60 laser and a few props. Saved shipping and $20 so not bad.
  18. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Darn, just ordered an hour ago! Oh well. I did have the std coupon.
  19. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Good source for CF tape? Thanks.