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  1. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Just me or was the site down last night for a while. Swede see you in a few on RF6.5
  2. dth7

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    So what do ya do at the Subaru dealer while your car is being inspected? Huck your crack yak in the adjacent lot of course!:flyer::grrreat:
  3. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Well Gary, you're my "fabricator"/ helper/ gas mentor! Where should I start looking for a header?
  4. dth7

    78'' Extra

    I'll let you know. I think that's the pipe I got with the plane! Should be sweet!
  5. dth7

    78'' Extra

    That's exactly why I was willing to wait for the DA. Hoping that their reputation will take away so much of the guesswork. We'll see. I can't imagine the potential with even more power than yours has. It looks like plenty from the videos. That's due to superior flying skills I'm sure!
  6. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Joe, that must have been a fun day! Watching these really makes me want to get my 78 done and in the air. The DA 35 should be here the end of April. I have vinyl on the way from Josh. Can't wait. I have my 60 all ready to go. After the snow melts that should keep me busy and happy til the...
  7. dth7

    Sim sessions!

    RF6.5 NH3d no PW see you there!
  8. dth7

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    Nice work!
  9. dth7

    Sim sessions!

    SnowDog you motivated me! http://www.3drcforums.com/entry.php?97-Sim-flying-fun#comments
  10. dth7

    Cool pictures

    "Cool Pictures" are "Cool Pictures" no need to be picky about "what" the cool picture is IMO. Like only looking at redheads or blonds! Why limit the viewing? lol.
  11. dth7

    Cool pictures

    Thanks Tad. Maybe you'll see it up close, and my 78 when I get that up. I would love to make the 3D fun fly and or the IMAC up your way. That venue looks fantastic!
  12. dth7

    Cool pictures

    Do we need to start a "Cool Extreme Flight Pictures" thread or can we all get along! haha. Or did I miss a thread- again? I honestly didn't see the "HS" RTFT(thread).
  13. dth7

    Cool pictures

    Finished EF 60" Extra, can't wait to fly. First time doing all the decals. Did them dry, I lucked out but I think I'll try wet next time. This is the nicest plane I've had to date (back in hobby for a little over a year). Can't wait to wring this one out.:banana: Ooops, I just actually...
  14. dth7

    Team 3DRCF Joe "Hone" Villavicencio

    Congrats Joe, Well, you beat me to the flight line with the 78 Extra, still waiting on the DA 35. The 60 Extra should be done in a few days. We have a similar path to 3D and I'm just trying to keep up with all you guys. I'll have to +1 with Cody on the wheel pants, that's pavement your...
  15. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hey Tom, Welcome. I too am back in (all in!) after about 15 years. Been back at it a little over a year. I was only casually in with 20 size glow planes but have been bitten by the electric, 3D, IMAC, Precision, EDF... bugs all at once. Like getting stranded in an RC jungle and getting...
  16. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Welcome Josh. Always good to have another NE region person in the mix. Enjoy. As you've experienced all ready this is a great site and a very helpful, respectful group. Daren
  17. dth7

    Extreme Flight Owners Thread

    Hey guys, Anyone bother to put the LG skirts on the Extras? I have a 60" on the bench and I'm debating. Also wondering the best way to install them. I have some for my 78" as well that I want to put on. Thoughts? Thanks
  18. dth7

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    "• Excitement, malicious treatment of equipment, and feats of daring – 20%" My favorite criteria! Did you come up with that yourself Cody? "multiplied by 1,000,000 to produce a more impressive number which will be used to rank the pilots" this isn't bad either! lol Well done judges. I hope...
  19. dth7

    Extreme Flight Owners Thread

    Nice rolling harrier vid. Just watched it. Physics is a goood thing. I'm helping a couple guys at my club with it. Some complain the simulation is too dampened so I tell them bump up the physics. Works both ways.
  20. dth7

    Extreme Flight Owners Thread

    I think it's just a normal high torque digital reaction to a light control surface. Thanks. I aint scared! haha! Man what throws this little bugger has! Gonna be a huckin good time. Let you know how it flies.