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  1. Jwmav528

    Blazing wings?

    Is that the line carried by troy built models?
  2. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    So I've started switching over to these xq 4013 servos on my Slick. I'm getting excited for spring. :)
  3. Jwmav528

    3D GRAVEYARD (Post pics of the mangled old bones that used to be your Airplane!)

    Midair with an Apprentice S. The SAFE system didn't know what to do with the single SFG that was added when a chunk of my elevator became imbedded in the wing.
  4. Jwmav528

    3D GRAVEYARD (Post pics of the mangled old bones that used to be your Airplane!)

    I flew a parachute with it and as I was pulling out the motor gave up the goat as the rotor decided it wanted nothing to do with the rotor.
  5. Jwmav528

    3D GRAVEYARD (Post pics of the mangled old bones that used to be your Airplane!)

    Elevator and rudder servos gave out and it flew into a swamp... in front of 200 pilots. Needs the motor box rebuilt along with a new canopy and cowl.
  6. Jwmav528

    3dhs 92" edge 540 !!!

    I dare you to fly it like that. :P
  7. Jwmav528

    20cc Profile Extra 330sc

    ..... :-D
  8. Jwmav528

    20cc Profile Extra 330sc

    I do have a DLE 20 and a set of hs 5625s just sitting on a shelf....
  9. Jwmav528

    30cc Extra 330sc

    This will be fun to watch. :)
  10. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Here are the pictures
  11. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Graphics are applied. I missed and matched using stock and custom vinyl from Gyro. I think it came out well.
  12. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    So my maiden went great! It didn't need any trim and the plane felt light. It was responsive to every input I gave it and it just sat in a harrier. It had tons of power and it showed down extremely slow for landing. I'd describe it as floating to the ground. I can't wait to have this engine...
  13. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I'm still trying to make it to one of those. Weekends are really touchy for me so it's a bit of a challenge. I did get to fly my Slick finally and I must say it has really low wing loading. It will float forever if you let it. It didn't need any trim either.
  14. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I FINALLY flew mine earlier today! Details coming soon.
  15. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Prayer for your wife. I wish you all the best.
  16. Jwmav528

    New Models

    They are gorgeous! Drooling....
  17. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I've had issues between rf and anti virus software in the past.
  18. Jwmav528

    Redwing Elite 50cc Slick 540 (new scheme)

    Just saw the post about the Extra 330sc! :)
  19. Jwmav528

    New Models

    +1 something that sets you apart and makes you one of the "big two". Everyone has an Extra as bread and butter but it seems your MXSR seems to have that role filled.
  20. Jwmav528

    New Models

    Corvus Racer