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Search results

  1. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Those graphics look awesome! I'm happy others can enjoy them too.
  2. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I've got some bad news. I may have totaled my car last night. It will be a while before I can maiden. Thankfully everyone is ok.
  3. Jwmav528

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    As far as what aircraft? For basic, any aircraft can be used (even a trainer if one desires). For sportsman and up, it has to be a scale model of a full scale aerobatic aircraft. Typically there's not a restriction on size but 50cc and up trend to be the most common as they are easy for the...
  4. Jwmav528

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    This is a great idea. I'd be in because there's not much in the ways of IMAC around for me except for maybe one event in Columbus, Ohio.
  5. Jwmav528

    20cc Sbach

    It'd be a while before I got to it though. I'm saving for better servos for my Slick and I'm building him a quarter scale cub at the moment (with an animated pilot) alongside an f3p plane for the winter. Good thing my shop has two tables.
  6. Jwmav528

    20cc Sbach

    So I have a birthday coming up... My dad flies with me from time to time and I mentioned this when he asked what I was thinking about doing with my DLE 20. Turns out he was fishing for ideas. :D
  7. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    .. and by rough season...I am referring to the box of fail currently residing in my basement.
  8. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    After the season I've had, I'll be pretty ginger with it at first. By the time I start smacking it around, I should have hopefully upgraded to something a bit heavier duty.
  9. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I do. Lily loves running around and chasing the cat with it. It has more uses than that? :P
  10. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    What do you mean by low to mid burble? Four stroking?
  11. Jwmav528

    72" Extra 330SC

    That was pretty amazing! I hope I'm that good some day.
  12. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Good point. Would placing a fan in front if it help? I think it's a little lean anyways. So I have to adjust as is.
  13. Jwmav528

    2014 3DRCForums 3D Freestyle Competition

    Let's form "Team Old Guys"
  14. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    That was my thought exactly. I'm gonna tune my engine real good on the ground to see if any of the others come loose.
  15. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I'll have mine up hopefully tomorrow. I need to rehinge my ailerons. They shook loose during engine test runs. Maybe I didn't use enough epoxy? Got Vaseline on the wrong part by accident?
  16. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Very nice!!! I can't wait to get mine up!
  17. Jwmav528

    2014 3DRCForums 3D Freestyle Competition

    Like in Pittsburgh? :D
  18. Jwmav528

    Redwing RC 76" MXS-R

    He and I are trying to coordinate doing maidens on the same day so that we can get footage of both his MXSR and my Slick. I like his colors too. They fit in well here in Pittsburgh.
  19. Jwmav528

    2014 3DRCForums 3D Freestyle Competition

    Yep. We're outside Pittsburgh too not far from Pittsburgh international. Our website is outdated but it has an image of our field. www.gparcs.org P.S. The food in Pittsburgh alone is enough reason to come out. Primanti's, Quaker Steak and Lube, Perogi!!!!