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Search results

  1. Jwmav528

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    I'm planning on driving out after work on Thursday.
  2. Jwmav528

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    What part of PA is that?
  3. Jwmav528

    Nighthawks Father's Day Fly In North Jackson, OH

    Ah well. I wasn't even sure if I was going. Just thought I'd see if anyone else was be side it might have swayed my decision.
  4. Jwmav528

    Nighthawks Father's Day Fly In North Jackson, OH

    It is this upcoming weekend 6/15-16. It's the little one's birthday party Saturday but I was thinking of checking it out Sunday if the turn out is good. Is anyone going?
  5. Jwmav528

    Keeping My Hobby Interest Alive

    I've been down on flying lately and I'm not sure why. I think it is mostly to do with my hangar not currently being in the sweet spot that I would like. I am thinking of having a fire-sale and using the proceeds to go into one or two really nice models. Currently I have a trashed 20cc Extra...
  6. Jwmav528

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    Thanks for looking into it for me. :)
  7. Jwmav528

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! ** In conjunction with the NJ FLI, July 11-14th It's ok if not. I'm still very much a 3d noob. I just enjoy competing for the sake of it. If the answer is no then I'll still come enjoy myself and fly for fun. I just thought I'd ask is all.
  8. Jwmav528

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    I know the minimum span is 50". Is there an allotment for bipe wingspan? Is it too late to be asking about this?
  9. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I'm next in line for the storm. How was it?
  10. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    +1 Thick smoke is like fireworks. Both are awesome. At the same time, proper judgement needs to be used to fully enjoy them both safely. And mixing either with an ego is a recipe for bad things. I'm glad no one was hurt and kudos to Team 3DHS for their taking this in stride. I look...
  11. Jwmav528

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    My potential step daughter was interested for a while. Now she just wants the frame from my 40" EPP Edge if I ever crash it. Ah well she's only 6. There's still time.
  12. Jwmav528

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    What are some area hotels? I want to look up places to stay soon.
  13. Jwmav528

    What's on your bench?

    I really like my Vyper Bype! You'd have a fun time with it. I know I do. With the kit just take your time and think about each step before proceeding. It should only be a few mods to make it RC.
  14. Jwmav528

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    Look up Gary Kay on YouTube to find a video of the J10.
  15. Jwmav528

    What's on your bench?

    Upcoming projects are my dad's 78" cub that I bought him for his bday. After that I'm finalizing everything in his giant scale staggerwing. Then I'm repairing my IMAC plane and I'm finishing my IMAA legal Pitts foamie and I'm throwing in the repair on my buck Huck somewhere. Then I'm...
  16. Jwmav528

    2nd Annual HillHoppers FunFly Wheeling,WV May 11th

    That blows. Which chemistry?
  17. Jwmav528

    2nd Annual HillHoppers FunFly Wheeling,WV May 11th

    Try 8-10 hours of chemistry 5 days a week, lol. It doesn't pay much but my job is fun. :D
  18. Jwmav528

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    I've heard that about the orange 41 edge too. I was warned away from doing that to mine. Could it have to do with there not being enough contrast between the colors? Or maybe not enough difference between the scheme on the top vs the bottom?