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  1. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Theoretically yes. Have to make a few adjustments and clean up some slop in the head before I can be sure. Test spin ups were smooth as silk.
  2. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    My buddy had a ton of spare parts lying around. So we decided to see if we could build a functioning heli out of them and after two very long nights we succeeded! The only thing I had to buy was a tail servo. I used the same one that you'd find on a 450x so it was all of $18. He didn't have...
  3. Jwmav528

    Plane stand.

    I know what my next project is! Especially for my byper. The stand that came with mine doesnt fit it.
  4. Jwmav528

    Become A Model Aviation Mentor. Help Others In Our Sport!

    Hi Frank. I'm Jeff from Pittsburgh. I am also frequently bumming around Sharon, PA/Youngstown OH. I fly at the Greater Pittsburgh ARCS field near Burgettstown, PA. You can add me for building and flight instruction on both planks and blenders (Planes and Helis).
  5. Jwmav528

    Futaba FASST Receivers

    One of the 617s and the HFC have been sold. I have two 617s and the 6106hf still.
  6. Jwmav528

    Futaba FASST Receivers

    Pending sale on one of the R617FS receivers and a pending sale on the R6106HFC
  7. Jwmav528

    lipo charging question 4.15 or 4.20 for max charge?

    Ill he trying this too. Given the reduced charging time, this might be worth it for that reason as well.
  8. Jwmav528

    Futaba FASST Receivers

    It's a Phoenix models Extra 330s 60-90 that I converted to run a DLE 20.
  9. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ground is covered in snow with mud underneath and it is 20 degrees out. No flying for me. :/ Do a blender for me, will ya?
  10. Jwmav528

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    In fact, my UMX Sbach 3D had a midair with one.
  11. Jwmav528

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    He hosts an indoor fly Sunday mornings in Sharon PA when he's not at an event. They're very popular there.
  12. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    Thanks for the tips. What props are you guys using?
  13. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I'm back and forth about putting the 103 g motor in this. Thoughts? I was going to start running smaller packs first. Also, my esc timing issue is not as serious if the motor is already under a little power before I put the throttle on. Maybe that will help with my mesh problems. I'm...
  14. Jwmav528

    40" EPP Edge 540 Building, Flying, and Questions

    So funny story with mine. It was amazing and flew great all last season. Tons of power on 1600 packs and I might move it to 1300 for some weight savings. Here's my problem. I think the wing or stab warped again on mine. Whenever I am flying at high speed, it hard rolls to the right and I...
  15. Jwmav528

    lipo charging question 4.15 or 4.20 for max charge?

    I'm a lot like Gyro. On smaller, cheaper packs, I treat them as if they're liquid fuel. I use them and beat on them and really only concern myself with being safe with them. Luke's RC (Glacier distributor) is 2 miles down the road and if I need a pack I can always run in real quick and get...
  16. Jwmav528

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    My willpower is constantly challenged because my girlfriend lives 2 miles from Lukes RC brick and mortar store.
  17. Jwmav528

    Futaba FASST Receivers

    One has, the other two haven't. The one that was in a crash works fine. I have since been flying it in my 20cc Extra for a full season now with no issues.
  18. Jwmav528

    Wattaplane/Skywing 48" EPP/PLY hybrid Slick

    Sarah still doesn't know about the Byper. She hasn't come to visit since I picked it up. Before you judge me you should know that I got her two dozen chocolate covered strawberries for Vday.
  19. Jwmav528

    Wattaplane/Skywing 48" EPP/PLY hybrid Slick

    Lucky guy! I told Sarah that I wanted plane stuff for Valentine's Day and she rolled her eyes. She smacked me when I mentioned heli stuff as a counter offer.
  20. Jwmav528

    Spektrum receivers

    Found em on ebay for pretty decent prices.