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Search results

  1. SteveT.

    Good prop drill bit

    Google is your friend Grasshopper....Drill Doctor... :D :D :D SteveT. Just kidding of course my friend..
  2. SteveT.

    Good prop drill bit

    And absolutely the worst organized website there is. If you try to do a search for something, it comes up with 5000 other things that might in some way have some relevance to what you asked for..or not.... SteveT.
  3. SteveT.

    Good prop drill bit

    In my opinion, the best bits to drill props with are brad point bits. Rockler has metric brad point bits "here". If you are drilling carbon props, I don't know how long they will last though. SteveT.
  4. SteveT.

    PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26 ARF 50-60cc

    Thank you sir!!! And, I finally got a chance to watch this video, and looks like it (and you) are quite capable...:D :D SteveT.
  5. SteveT.

    PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26 ARF 50-60cc

    Hi my friend... Thanks for replying. I would just like to see some tumbles, flat spins (right side up and inverted if possible), maybe a knife edge spin, pop-top etc..just the basic stuff, which is pretty much the extent of what I can do...:D :D And again, I meant nothing by asking...
  6. SteveT.

    PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26 ARF 50-60cc

    Ok...first, let me preface this by saying please do not think I am knocking anybodies skill as a pilot, nor the plane, in any way, shape, form, or fashion, but I really would love to have one of these beautiful planes, but...at this time, I haven't seen any 3D flying done with one. While I am...
  7. SteveT.

    PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26 ARF 50-60cc

    I bet it did... :D SteveT.
  8. SteveT.

    PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26 ARF 50-60cc

    A Heli-coil would have probably fixed it... SteveT.
  9. SteveT.

    EG 100cc Slick 540 from Aztech Aeromodels

    So.....both of you should come down to the Tomcats!! SteveT.
  10. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    If a plane is ballooning on landing or slowing down, it is tail heavy. What is happening is that the stabilizer is stalling before the wing is, which causes the ballooning.... SteveT.
  11. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    V1 without wing tube socket mod?? SteveT.
  12. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    I think I'm going to put it on Ebay and see what the traffic will bear......:D SteveT.
  13. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Who said anything about a reasonable profit....:D :D SteveT.
  14. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    I have two copies of Scott's book one autographed, one not....wonder what I could get for the autographed one?? SteveT.
  15. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    There is only one version now....no longer separate electric/gas versions... SteveT.
  16. SteveT.

    3dhs 89 slick

    Very nice.....both the mount and the install!! SteveT.
  17. SteveT.

    What's on your bench?

    Sasquatch...X2 SteveT.
  18. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Yes, the ICE100 is sufficient for the A60-6XS on 6S. On 8S, you can go with smaller packs, so, you might be able to use the A60-5S with something like 3300mAH packs... SteveT.
  19. SteveT.

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Me too....I'd love to have a basement!! And considering what I charge for the parts I make, it will take a loooooong time to recoup what I have spent on that equipment.... SteveT.
  20. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    A60-5S is too heavy for the Slick. my new Slick needed the rudder servo in the back with even an A60-6XS. and the 5S is definitely heavier... Just my opinion of course.. SteveT.