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  1. SteveT.

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    When you buy over $6,000.00 worth of machine tool equipment so you can make stand-offs and other small parts for your planes... SteveT.
  2. SteveT.

    -= SLiCKNeSS SiCKNeSS =-

    Tail heavy planes balloon up on landing due to the horizontal stab stalling before the wing....just sayin.... SteveT.
  3. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    Hacker A60-5S, Xoar 21X10 prop (though I use a Xoar carbon gas prop), 2X 4S 45C 3850 packs ( I use Thunder Power) Castle Ice 100, BEC Pro, and Hitech HS-7955TG servos.... Outstanding!!! SteveT.
  4. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Glad to see you made it home safely Frank!! How was the pizza?? And did you go check out AeroMicro? SteveT.
  5. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Don't use plywood for elevator joiners, it has no torsional strength. If you cant find some phenolic, use "rock maple". Many hobby shops sell it for engine mount material, or almost all lumber yards should carry it. SteveT.
  6. SteveT.

    3DHS 58" Edge 540 Battery Boxes

    Though I have not designed a battery box for the 58" Edge, I can easily do so. The largest one I have now only accepts a large 3300mAH pack, but it is only a matter of sitting down at my computer and enlarging the basic design for it to accept a larger pack. As to weight, my larger battery box...
  7. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    A50-5XS swings an 18X10, and pulls mt Velox like crazy!! Don't need a 20" on it... SteveT.
  8. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Because I have some morals.... :D SteveT.
  9. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Sorry, no, I don't copy 3DHS parts (except for my own use like the Velox servo tray which is not sold that I needed for my sons plane), just things I have designed like the battery boxes for the "Byper" and 51" Slick.. SteveT.
  10. SteveT.

    3DHS 58" Edge 540

    Yes, they are M4.....and the procedure to mount the motor is to remove the shaft collar at the rear of the motor, and then pull the bell off....mount the rear portion of the motor, then hold the collar in place with a pair of needle nose pliers, and slide the bell back on, making sure that the...
  11. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Sonic-Tronics Nifty-keepers...best around....they release easily when you want to, don't when you don't want them to and don't put any stress on the wires... SteveT.
  12. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Paper towel instead of fiberglass cloth, CA instead of epoxy or polyester resin...essentially the same thing...:D Just materials that most modelers have in their homes/shops.. SteveT.
  13. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    As per page 10 of the manual found on this page, you use wood screws. If there are already holes there (and I assume there are, as it is used), if they are not already stripped out, give them a drop or two of thin CA, wait for it to cure, then just screw the motor on. If they are stripped...
  14. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    No hangar is too large.... SteveT.
  15. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    DLE 20 flies a Velox nicely, DLE 30 is over kill and harder to balance... SteveT
  16. SteveT.

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Usually remember transmitter.....but, yes, been know to leave batteries at home, and yes, 19 miles one way.....argh!! SteveT.
  17. SteveT.

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Nothing flies like a Slick!! SteveT.
  18. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Yup, best debonder made!! SteveT.
  19. SteveT.

    3DHS 74" Edge.....

    Always happy to help!! SteveT.