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  1. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I also have strips of LEDs in white and green. I could make my own light kit for it. The aurora kit would go nice on my EPP Edge.
  2. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I really should. That genesis would fit it real nice, wouldn't it?
  3. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I figured my motor issues out and had a blast with mine tonight. I flew it until I was flying a shadow. Wish I had lights on it, lol.
  4. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I'm currently having issues with the motor on mine but I completely agree with you. This is a great little airplane.
  5. Jwmav528

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Oh no! I was stuck in traffic! Congrats on 32. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw that.
  6. Jwmav528

    Discussion Long term planning: Getting into gas

    My naked Extra is a Phoenix Models Extra 330s that I bought off of tower when I got back into flying after finishing school. I hadn't drank the 3D look aid yet so I powered it with a glow engine and it flew like a glow sport plane. I recently converted it to a DLE 20 and it's a whole different...
  7. Jwmav528

    My new 72" 3DHS Extra 330

    Also, try a rx from another model. See if it experiences the same problems. If it doesn't, send the problem to Spektrum to be checked out. Also check your rx pack voltage. A lot of link issues can stem from low voltage issues.
  8. Jwmav528

    Cool pictures

    I'll start. Here are some pictures of Joe Smith flying his 87" Extra SHP during his King 50 routine this year at the Ohio Huckfest.
  9. Jwmav528

    Help me choose!

    I have some time to decide. I'm learning the ins and outs of my Phoenix 63.5" Extra. It harrier rolls like crazy. Super stable and quick. I'll also have some time on a 71" Slick soon. A club member is finishing his up and I've been helping him with it. He tends to let me fly his stuff a lot.
  10. Jwmav528

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    2nd on the 74 Edge. Funds are limited ATM but I'd definitely build it after the holidays.
  11. Jwmav528

    Help me choose!

    I've just finished converting my Phoenix Extra to 20cc gas. Now that its done, I am thinking of a 30cc 3DHS airframe. I have their 41" Edge and I love it so its bigger brother the 74" Edge is definitely an option. But I also like the way the Extras and Slicks fly. I have some time to decide...
  12. Jwmav528

    Knife Edge tips.

    So in my progression of learning 3D I'm getting a lot better with my harrier and I'm working on inverted harrier. I'm playing with rollers too. My next task will be to work on my knife edge. What are some tips that some of you have?
  13. Jwmav528


    Joe, I've found with my planes that when I use too much expo the difference between the center and endpoints is so drastic that it's hard to be precise enough to not over correct. Too little expo and I'm having trouble with my planes being twitchy. My question is how do you know what amount of...
  14. Jwmav528

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hey everybody. I am Jeff and I am from Pittsburgh. I have been in RC for about 9 years now. I started when I was 17 and actually built (and still build) several kits. I am currently working on an old pattern plane designed by Joe Bridi and here is the interesting part..... IT'S NOT A KAOS OR...
  15. Jwmav528

    Greater Pittsburgh ARCS Fly What Ya Brung Fly In

    I forgot to mention that the east west runway is 600' long and the north south runway is 400' long.
  16. Jwmav528

    Greater Pittsburgh ARCS Fly What Ya Brung Fly In

    On Sept. 15th the Greater Pittsburgh ARCS will be hosting a fly in. All types of flying will be welcome including gas, glow, electric, turbines, heli's, 3D (foamies and giant), and anything else that you can think of that flies. We are located in Burgettstown, PA in the Hillman State Park game...