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Search results

  1. Bartman

    What is it?

    Seller says Carden 100" Extra 300, I'm thinking it's a 1/3 Lanier Laser 200. Maybe an Extra 230? But from who?
  2. Bartman

    AMA Renewal Discount, Rates Going UP in 2016

    AMA is offering members the opportunity to renew for up to two years at the current rate of $58 per year. Next year the dues are going up to $75 per year. Use this link to renew before September 14 (tomorrow!) to get the current rate https://www.modelaircraft.org/joinrenew.aspx
  3. Bartman

    Electric Power for a 20cc Profile

    In another thread we're building a 20cc profile ARF from RedwingRC.com; http://www.giantscalenews.com/threads/group-build-20cc-profile-arf-whos-in.3466/ The planes we're building were designed around the DLE 20cc with the beam mounting case. A fueled engine requires the following engine w/...
  4. Bartman

    Fixed Forum Spy....new feature!

    I have to first throw a mention out to @Islandflyer who has been asking about this from day one! There's a new feature at the site, it's called the Forum Spy, it lets you watch in real time as activity occurs at the site. Look for the word Spy in the NavBar just to the left of the Search bar...
  5. Bartman

    Skip Stewart's P3 Revolution, 60cc, Horizon Hobby, NEW!

    http://www.horizonhobby.com/p3-revolution-60cc-arf-han4630 What is there to do other than to say YES!! Overview The Hangar 9® P3 Revolution 60cc giant scale biplane is an exclusively licensed model of the radical new aircraft design for Skip Stewart Airshows. Like the full-size, the outline...
  6. Bartman

    Events in September and October......GAS & GO!!

    There are a ton of events in September and October, here are just a few...... Rolla Big Bird Fly In, Sept 17-20, Rolla, MO Flying Wing Nutz Fall Event, Sept 18-20, St Marys, WV Huckfest in the Heartland, Sept 25-26, Tulsa, OK DFC West Coast Huckfest, Oct 1-4, Lodi CA Apache Pass Ice...
  7. Bartman

    Members Meeting Members, PICS!!

    Let see those pics of GiantScaleNews.com members meeting other members!!
  8. Bartman

    EVENT, Flying Wing Nutz Fall Main Event, Sept 18-20, St Mary's, WV

    What do Jase Dussia, Mat Kozub, Ben Battes, and Joe Smith have in common?? They're all going to be in St Mary's, West Virginia the weekend of September 18, 19, and 20 to celebrate Jase Dussia's SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY! That's right, @JaseTheAce is turning SIXTEEN in September and he'll be...
  9. Bartman

    It's On! RED FLAG, Jet Precision Acro & Formation, Lakeland, FL, Oct 29-31

    Now THAT is a promo flyer! Who's going??? From Frank Tiano's website;
  10. Bartman

    Giant TU-95 Bear bomber, BB Weber

    Was just going through event listings and a slew of club websites and came across this build by the late BB Weber http://www.bomberfieldusa.com/bb-webers-110-scale-tu95-qbearq Holy smokes is it big! I couldn't find any videos of it on youtube.com but here's a video of the real aircraft
  11. Bartman

    Giant Scale Events Master List

    Went through the list of events posted by our members and came up with the list below. If your event isn't on the list or if the information I've listed is incorrect please just let me know and we'll get it taken care of. (I'm just getting the list going, I'll add to it as I have time)...
  12. Bartman

    New! JETI Pro Power LiPo's Power/Performance/Price

    Just in from EspritModel.com.... As Lithium Polymer battery technology continues to push new boundaries, Jeti Pro Power Lithium Polymer Batteries bring a whole new element into the mix - power & performance at a price that simply can't be ignored. Designed specifically for the demands of...
  13. Bartman

    Winners!! 1st Anniversary Speak Up and Win Contest!!

    Here you go folks, congrats to the winners! Winners should please email me at bart@giantscalenews.com with full name, address, and a phone number so we can get you the goods ASAP! While you're here, check out our 20cc Profile Group Build thread or one of the builds our members have going...
  14. Bartman

    1:1 P-51 Mustang takes up residence at Triple Tree

    Some of you guys have probably already seen the photos but what's the story? As I understand it there's a full scale P-51 Mustang now residing at Triple Tree Aerodrome, home of the world famous Joe Nall event. Photos? More on the story? Who's got the scoop and the photos to prove it??
  15. Bartman

    OS GT-15cc Gas Engine, Wins Innovation of the Year from M.A.N.

    Model Airplane News recently announced their Readers' Choice and Innovation of the Year awards. OS Engines won for their new GT-15 gasoline engine..... For more information about this award-winning product visit the O.S. web page at osengines.com.
  16. Bartman

    New Vendor Support Sub-Forum, RCeXtremePower.com!!

    Hi everyone, If you've been flying gassers for any length of time there's a good chance you've been helped along by Milton of RCeXtremePower.com. He's here at GiantScaleNews.com as @RC Extreme Power His specialty is ignition systems but he's a great resource, as is his website, for a number...
  17. Bartman

    Sorting Classifieds listings! Thanks to AeroSheldon!!

    I didn't know this until about forty eight seconds ago but @AEROSHELDON shared it in another thread so here it is for mass distribution If you go to the classifieds and click on the bubble (technically it's called a Prefix in the software) just left of the thread title (For Sale, SOLD, Wife...
  18. Bartman

    Filling gouges and scratches in balsa

    Was just wondering what everyone else uses to smooth out gouges and scratches in balsa before covering. I've used Elmers wood filler but I lost my tub of it when we moved and the new stuff (Wood Filler Max) is horrible! Any suggestions? maybe some 45 minute durabond?
  19. Bartman

    More Cumberland Aero-Tow Event Photos

    Courtesy of Jeff Duhaime who was at the event as a flyer and who was also generous enough to let me fly his Multiplex Cularis not once, not twice, but four times! Click the link below to see three pages of beautiful photos from the event weekend. If you haven't tried giant scale soaring you're...
  20. Bartman

    Unread Classifieds Count

    While I begin looking for options to make the classifieds system work better I've activated a feature that will display how many new posts there are that you haven't read yet in the classifieds area. The notification shows up as a number in a red flag just above and to the right of the...