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Search results

  1. Bartman

    Scale World Models 1/3 Super Cub Project

    Just in time for the cold weather moving into the Northeast!! Not just a build but a 'project' and as it goes we'll reveal what that 'project' is! It'll be a quick build and then we'll be on to the 'project' part of the 'project'! So here it is........ The biggest three letter word in...
  2. Bartman

    GoFundMe page set up for XFC 2016

    With a budget of $12,000 the organizers of the XFC are seeking donations via a GoFundMe.com campaign https://www.gofundme.com/9cgwcrsk The Extreme Flight Championships (XFC) is the premier aeromodeling event in the United States showcasing pilots’ talents in Precision Aerobatic and...
  3. Bartman

    Happy 2016!!

    Just got home but wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone. There's a lot planned for 2016 so have a great time tonight, be safe, don't work on your planes after celebrating all night, and we'll be back at it in the morning!! Happy New Year, you guys (and gals!) are awesome!
  4. Bartman

    Aeroworks Holiday Sale Through December 31st!

    Aeroworks Year End Sale Is Now Live! December 21st thru December 31st. Up to 30% off on select Aircraft and Accessories!
  5. Bartman

    SOLD! PAU 50cc Pitts Challenger-$275 LPU NJ

    I hate to see it go, this was purchased to be the first review when the site launched and then I barely flew it. It's got about six flights on it and, after the initial tweaks, it flew great. My family downsized quite a bit about six months ago and with a new review build about to land on my...
  6. Bartman

    POLL, Please vote, Classifieds Alert Flag

    Should we keep or get rid of the red flag that alerts users when there are new items in the classifieds?
  7. Bartman


    Hey folks, It's that time of year, yeah I know Christmas is next week, but it's that other time of year too when the planes get put away and we all sit and think about how to make GiantScaleNews.com even better. We spend a lot of time here so we should make it the best it can possibly be...
  8. Bartman

    Two Receivers with One JR 9503???

    Hi all, I've got a JR 9503 DSMX and I was wondering if I can bind two different receivers to the one radio for redundancy in a big plane I'm getting ready to start. Would appreciate some input on this. Thanks! Bart
  9. Bartman

    Wanted JR Satellites

    DSM2 or DSMX, could use at least two or three Thanks! Bart
  10. Bartman

    17DEC2015, AMA Says DO NOT REGISTER.........yet

    Received this evening; Dear AMA Members, Yesterday, the AMA Executive Council unanimously approved an action plan to relieve and further protect our members from unnecessary and burdensome regulations. This plan addresses the recently announced interim rule requiring federal registration of...
  11. Bartman

    FAA Petitioning Is Spooling Up

    Here you go guys, post your vote to the petition and let's see what happens! https://www.change.org/p/federal-aviation-adminitration-stop-the-faa-act-requiring-drone-model-aircraft-pilot-registration
  12. Bartman

    GSN/Facebook Integration....New!!!

    I see a lot of us surfing around on Facebook and it was mentioned to me yesterday, wouldn't it be great if you could just post your content once to GiantScaleNews.com and then transfer the links to Facebook with the click of a button? I said "yes!"....um, but how!?? After a few hours of...
  13. Bartman

    Exploding Oxygen Bottles

    the doorbell makes it!
  14. Bartman

    Tier 1 Sponsor payments

    Hey guys, It's been one year since our first round of site sponsors made their donations to the site and unbeknownst to me at the time the payment link was a recurring payment. So in the last day or so you might have seen an automatic payment taken from your account to renew your Tier 1...
  15. Bartman

    PawnShopMike, GSN's First Tier 3 Sponsor!

    Hey guys, next time you see @pawnshopmike give him a pat on the back, he just stepped up and put his money where his mouth is by becoming our first Tier 3 Sponsor! Tier 3 means he donated $500 to the site, in this case to get a new project rolling along that I KNOW you are all going to get a...
  16. Bartman

    Did you invite a friend today?

    Folks, we're looking forward to a great year but to keep the site healthy and active we've got to keep the flow of new members happening. Who mentioned the site today to a friend, flying buddy, local hobby shop owner, etc.? We've got a great community of giant scale flyers here and we'd be...
  17. Bartman

    YS-140 low compression

    Another engine question! I just got my Hydeout back (2M pattern by Chip Hyde) from a friend of mine that "bought" it from me early last year (maybe the year before?). The engine is a YS140 and it's got almost no compression. I don't remember what it had when @Cub Man "bought" it from me, is...
  18. Bartman

    DA-50 Throttle Response

    Hi guys, I've got a DA-50 that starts up and runs great but the throttle response is not very linear in the lower half of the throttle range. I can pull the stick back to about half and then below that it'll just drop off towards idle without much response between half and idle. Is that normal?
  19. Bartman

    Airborne Models (aka World Models)

    Would anyone happen to know the owner at Airborne Models in Livermore, California? I've been trying to reach him the last few days. Please start a private conversation with me if you can help. Thanks, Bart
  20. Bartman

    Classifieds.....quit your hoarding!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, You can't keep them forever and there's no use hoarding airplanes, engines, your good used radios.....so get a few pics and get them in the classifieds and get them sold!! Sold!! Sold!! And then use your new wad of cash to buy something new from one of our great...