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Search results

  1. Bartman

    Wanted JR 8711 and 8411 servos

    Waiting to see if JR will repair a few servos I'm sending out but in the meantime need one good 8711 and one good 8411. Thanks! Bart
  2. Bartman

    Giant Scale Soaring

    Took some time and cleaned up the soaring sub-forums. Looking forward to seeing this area of GiantScaleNews.com catch on. If you've been flying Giant Scale RC for a while and are looking for something new this has all of the tech, all of the bigness (and then some!), and all of the community...
  3. Bartman

    Group Build, 20cc Profile ARF, Who's In?

    Guys and Gals, From time to time I get to spend time on the phone with the people that run the shops we buy our stuff from. It's part of my job running the site and trying to recruit new advertisers. This week I spoke with Tim Pastor of RedwingRC.com because he's got a new container of...
  4. Bartman

    Speak up and win!! We're turning ONE, time to celebrate!!

    It is with a wee tear in my right eye that I look back on the past year and think about the fact that we're still here!! Who would have thought we could have possibly survived after those first three months of problems?? Well survive we did and on August 23rd we'll be ONE year old! To...
  5. Bartman

    Links to other sites

    From time to time we have issues pop up where we have to enforce a policy and in return I end up looking like an a**hole to people. This morning it happened again so here's a quick clarification just to keep things on the up and up. The short version of the policy is that we welcome links to...
  6. Bartman

    Aluminum Hardware for Landing Gear??

    Was just thinking about a spring loaded bolting system like what's used on exhaust systems to give the landing gear and gear mount a little extra give but was also thinking about aluminum bolts to stretch and deform in bad landings instead of the landing gear mount just ripping out. Thoughts...
  7. Bartman

    Call for Nominations, Flying Sites/Clubs for 2016 GSN Group Therapy Extravaganza

    :dancing-chicken::dancing-chicken::dancing-chicken: Ladies and Gentlemen It's time to put 2015 (and whatever we can remember from the end of 2014) behind us and begin planning for the 2016 flying season. To get the ball rolling I'm asking for your input, please nominate clubs or flying sites...
  8. Bartman

    Converse Flying Eagles Fly-In and Swap, Indiana

    Just saw this and thought someone might like to check it out Contact @Tseres if you have any questions
  9. Bartman

    5 Ply vs. 7 Ply Plywood

    Hi Guys, I bought a sheet of 3/8" birch plywood the other day but it's 5 ply instead of 7 ply. It's for a landing gear attach plate and a firewall. I think it's fine for the landing gear attach plate but what about the firewall? I only mention it because I noticed just now that the plans...
  10. Bartman

    Syncronizing/Balancing Multiple Servos

    OK, it's about time we get a thread going on how to get multiple servos to work with each other instead of against each other. I've managed to avoid this until now but with a Push/Pull on the rudder and dual servos on each aileron, it's time to learn something new. So let's see what you guys...
  11. Bartman

    Gluing removable stabilizers

    How do you guys feel about gluing stab sections into the fuselage that are designed to be removable? It seems removable stabs always seem to end up loose and then it's a PITA to make them tight again. I was thinking about lathering everything up with epoxy and making it nice and tight again...
  12. Bartman

    BME-102 or 3W-100??

    Hi guys, Earlier this year I bought a used Cap 232 with a 3W-100 and because the airplane is in such terrible condition I've been working on replacing the firewall and landing gear block along with all of the reinforcements in the surrounding area. Since the firewall is out and is going to be...
  13. Bartman

    Beginner Giant Scale RC Questions, Let's hear them

    OK, we've got a lot of new members lately but the conversations aren't expanding beyond a lot of what has already been keeping us busy. So the question is, what questions do our new members have? Let's keep a running thread going with your questions about Giant Scale RC planes and we promise...
  14. Bartman

    So just how does Aero-Tow Soaring work?

    AERO-TOW involves towing sailplanes to altitude and then releasing them via a servo actuated mechanism but what's involved and what do the parts look like? To put it in terms of the big parts there's a tow plane, a long tow line, and a sailplane or glider. The tow planes pull the gliders up...
  15. Bartman

    New Classifieds Area, Sailplanes/Gliders/Motor-Gliders

    Just a quick note to let all y'all know we've added a new area to the classifieds for Sailplanes, Gliders, and Motor-Gliders. I spent yesterday at the Cumberland Summer Soaring event and was very impressed by the aircraft and flying being done by the "Aero-Tow" community. I think you guys...
  16. Bartman

    Airplane Cradles in the Shop, What works, what doesn't?

    You what I'm talking about, something that can hold your giant scale fuselage upside down while you work on it without dinging the covering or denting the balsa. I know I can go to the interweb with my credit card and find a solution but let's see what you guys (and gals :) ) are using. 2"...
  17. Bartman

    Lesson #1 from Bart, OPP

    Other People's Problems After a long hiatus from fueled fixed wing aircraft I finally made it to the field today with what I figured was a solid airplane and perfect weather. Flight number one was ok, the engine (a new Zenoah G-26) was a little rich but I got back on the ground with a nice...
  18. Bartman


    Has anyone bought from PrecisionCutKits.com lately? Was just wondering as I might give him a call on Monday about a short kit. Thanks, Bart
  19. Bartman

    EAA 70th Anniversary Pitts poster now available

    70 years ago on Aug 28 Curtis Pitts logged the first flight of Pitts Special #1 https://www.aerobatics.org.uk/events/2015-pitts-70th and the EAA is commemorating the flight with a 70th anniversary bash at Oshkosh 2015 and a special poster to go along with it. The poster is available online...
  20. Bartman

    It's the little things....

    Finally got around to calling AMA to ask about my original AMA number from when I was 15, back around 1983. Just got an email and good old AMA #127870 has been dug up and reassigned back to me! I had a membership lapse back in my twenties so the old number was lost to a new one but they were...