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Search results

  1. Bartman

    Giant Scale Jets....

    Was just wondering...after seeing the Red Flag jet aerobatics thread...what's a giant scale Jet? Fixed wing follows the old IMAA standards but what about jets? Just curious. :)
  2. Bartman

    Congrats PAU! (belated)

    I know, I know! I'm late by almost two weeks! But better late than never as they say so here it is.... Congratulations @Islandflyer on the big win at XFC! I actually called Herve last week to say congratulations and we got to speak a little about the weeks/days/hours leading up to Gabby's...
  3. Bartman

    Post your full size avatar photos here

    Some of you guys and gals have avatars that look pretty cool but even when you click on them they're still too small to see so I thought it might be nice to see what the photos look like in larger format. Mine's pretty old school, an Aero Tech Spinks Akromaster that I re-covered a while back...
  4. Bartman

    So happy to be back

    After months of drama related to the sale of our house and the purchase of a new house it is just freakin' awesome to be back at my desk in the new house and logged in to GiantScaleNews.com!!! New shop area in the basement is swept out and the bench is in place. Just have to unpack all of my...
  5. Bartman

    Biplanes! We need more biplanes in the classifieds!

    There are more SOLD listings in the airframe classifieds then there are active listings that are still for sale! And almost no biplanes! I can't surf a bunch of SOLD listings late at night from my in-laws' basement! We need more inventory in the classifieds so take your pics and post your...
  6. Bartman

    Did anyone buy a giant DC-3/C-47 in Toledo??

    Just came across this on Craigslist while surfing mindlessly... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/wan/4975114301.html
  7. Bartman

    T-shirt orders will ship next week

    It's been a crazy week up here in NJ and I'm afraid I didn't get this week's t-shirt orders into the mail so they'll have to ship at the end of the week or first thing next week. I believe @AsphaltPilot ordered a shirt, @ericb is waiting on his, @pawnshopmike , and one other person. Thanks for...
  8. Bartman

    500 Free T-shirts @ Joe Nall 2015, Wednesday!

    You read that right, we're giving away 500 GSN/Joe Nall t-shirts!!! WEDNESDAY @ 4PM @ THE 3D LINE GAZEBO FREE! FREE! FREE! Brought to you by GiantScaleNews.com and Performance Aircraft Unlimited (www.pau.com) Pulse Batteries (www.PulseBattery.com) Platinum Imprints (our t-shirt guy...
  9. Bartman

    Your assistance is requested please

    Hi folks, This is a sad one, fellow GSN member Jeff Sikes (Siko_Flyer) suffered a tragic loss this past week and has asked if we could raise a few bucks to help out. His son was killed Thursday and he's seeking donations to help with the burial services. Jeff is in the process of setting up...
  10. Bartman

    Are we ever going to reach 3000 members??

    Holy smokes we're busier than heck here but the total members number is only very slowly going up........ Please tell your friends, we're still here, the site is fast, the content is world class, the people are awesome!! We've got dancing chickens...
  11. Bartman

    New sub-forum, Painting and Covering!! Woo hoo!

    Thanks to @poprlite for suggesting this new forum area, "Painting and Covering"! In this area we can discuss painting and covering. :banana-dance:
  12. Bartman

    Replacing Ignition Caps

    By now everyone probably knows I have a really nice BME 102 that I've been trying to sell in the classifieds. Someone questioned the ignition caps that were on the engine and when I couldn't verify the integrity of the caps (it was mid winter and I wasn't going to bench run the engine outside...
  13. Bartman

    RC Sport Flyer Magazine, GSN exclusive discount code! 2 weeks only!

    Hey guys, I had the chance to meet up with Wil Byers of RC Sport Flyer Magazine at Toledo. He puts together a great magazine with really in depth content and beautiful graphics so I asked if he could extend his Toledo special pricing of $11.95 for 12 issues (US print subscribers only) to our...
  14. Bartman

    Follow us on Twitter @giantscalenews

    OK folks, time for the Giant Scale crowd to take a communal step forward and get active on Twitter! Why? Well,, for one thing, we tweet! We tweet photos of the best stuff from the shows we attend, we would like to tweet more as we are building, flying, horsing around, wrecking perfectly good...
  15. Bartman

    Fixed Changed New Posts to Active Threads

    Hello guys and gals, Anybody miss the old style "Active Threads" link that displays a list of threads with the most recent activity? Even if it displays your posts as the last posts in those threads? Me too! So I just changed the New Posts button to be an Active Threads button and you'll...
  16. Bartman

    Is your event listed on RCFlightDeck.com??

    We use the RCFlightDeck.com application to supply our "EVENTS" page with a searchable schedule of RC events. If you haven't looked at the features and services provided by RCFlightDeck.com then we suggest you take a minute to familiarize yourself. We don't get any money from RCFlightDeck, we...
  17. Bartman

    Toledo 2015 Scale Entries

    Entrants on display for scale judging at Toledo Weak Signals Expo 2015.
  18. Bartman

    Toledo 2015 Indoor Group Therapy Fun-Fly Thursday

    Just found out we could access the wifi so my apologies for not posting earlier. I'm sitting here with Tom from TNT Landing Gear who co-hosted the 1st Annual Toledo 2015 Indoor Group Therapy Fun-Fly with GiantScaleNews.com and we had a great turn out considering this is the first event we've...
  19. Bartman

    New t-shirt design.....black!

    We're busy getting everything ready to make the trip to Toledo on Thursday including whipping up another batch of killer GSN t-shirts! We'll have these at Toledo (including 5X!) and I'll post pricing info as soon as we have it figured out! Don't forget, we're gigging Thursday night and...