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Search results

  1. Bartman

    GSN and FoamieWorld.com donate $1000 to US F3P team!!

    Well, you guys know the story....man opens website, man buys airplane, man buys box of new servos, man has to redo site software, man has to redo site software again, man has to keep from putting hammer through man's own head....it's a timeless tale. So, to make a long story longer, the PAU...
  2. Bartman

    Surviving Joe Nall 2015

    (Edit Sleepy: This thread started by Bart several months ago has become a wealth of Joe Nall info, so if you are going for the first time, please give it a read! Joe Nall is just weeks away!!!) OK, if you've been there, start talking! If not, here's where you can ask all of your questions...
  3. Bartman


    guys, thanks for flagging the spammers this past week. i'll take a look at our spam-prevention software and see if there's a reason why they're getting through. bart
  4. Bartman

    RedWingRC___New Vendor Support Forum!!

    GiantScaleNews.com would like to welcome RedWingRC.com to the vendor support area. Already a site supporter via their banner ad RedWingRC is surging ahead with new products and an increased presence online. So, to that end, welcome to the vendor support area @TimP; and thank you for supporting...
  5. Bartman

    How to dye epoxy??

    Hi gang, trying to get the red PAU Pitts done but I've got a few gaps that I can't really seal with trim strips so I'd like to run a bead of epoxy like caulk to make it look nice-nice. I'll tape everything off so I won't make a mess but has anyone used dye to make epoxy a particular color while...
  6. Bartman

    Aircraft International (US 3W dealer) Moving to Florida

    Was just at the website (www.aircraftinternational.com) looking for contact info for Gerhard and the home page has the following announcement; Aircraft International is relocating to Stuart, Florida. The move will take place during January/February 2015.Aircraft International therefore will be...
  7. Bartman

    GSN Contributors Needed

    Sleepy and I have spoken about this a few times and I think it's time to start recruiting for the job of representing www.GiantScaleNews.com at fly-ins, contests, and other events around the country. Sleepy and I will try to make as many as we possibly can but we can't be everywhere throughout...
  8. Bartman

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year everybody!! We've got a great year ahead of us so have fun, sleep late, and get ready to get flying in 2015! On behalf of SleepyC, myself, and our families, Happy New Year to you and yours! Bartman
  9. Bartman

    Respect and the Power of Nothing

    Hi folks, Time for me to get up on the soapbox and ask for your time to read a bit..... We've got this cool site we started, you might have heard of it it's call www.GiantScaleNews.com. :laughing: SleepyC and I love RC (maybe too much sometimes!) and we wanted to create a place where...
  10. Bartman

    Firewall paint, Rustoleum Hammered??

    Has anyone used Rustoleum Hammered silver spray paint for a firewall before? Everything has been sealed up with epoxy and sanded so I just need a nice top-coat for it. Thanks! Bart
  11. Bartman

    Video...Drilling holes accurately in wood

    Did a quick video to demonstrate how to accurately drill holes in wood with a hand drill. My Porter Cable cordless drill doesn't have a very high RPM range so when it really matters I use a pneumatic drill that is probably three times as fast. Using what you have isn't always bad if you...
  12. Bartman

    Free! JR NER-649S PCM 9 Channel Receiver

    Channel 15, it was in a plane I bought and I won't be using it so it's up for grabs if anyone wants it. Good used condition, taker pays for shipping. Thanks, Bart
  13. Bartman

    Aeroworks 15% Off Holiday Sale! through Dec. 28th

    This just in! Aeroworks' 2015 Holiday Sale is underway with 15% off all In-Stock AIRCRAFT AND ACCESSORIES!
  14. Bartman

    What are you going to build in 2015?

    I'm talking building, as in from a kit! you know, balsa, glue, covering, etc. I've got an old Lanier 81" Cap 232 kit that I'm going to build (and a Sig Kougar Mark II but don't be hating!). ARF's are great, don't get me wrong, but for ultimate late night relaxation and to achieve maximum RC...
  15. Bartman

    3W-100 Looking for some advice

    Hi crime stoppers! Wait, that was a Steve Martin skit in the 70's. Hi fellow RC flyers! Over the weekend I picked up an old Cap 232 with a 3W-100i-B2 in it. The engine has been sitting for at least two years and I'm wondering if there's anything I should do specific for this engine before I...
  16. Bartman

    SOLD! Carden 40% Cap 232 airframe/project, LPU NJ

    Hi folks, Back in August I bought this 40% Carden Cap 232 from a pro builder (Jim Eble) in NJ and was going to finish it off this winter but another Cap that I had called about just became available. The new one is ready to fly and I'm short on time so I'm going to buy it and sell the project...
  17. Bartman

    DA-150, any advice when buying used?

    Hi @DATech I'm in the market for a good used DA150 and I've seen comments about some of your other models where there are different versions out there (ie, lower quality drone engines, etc.) so I was wondering you have any advice for someone purchasing a used DA150. Thanks in advance! Bart
  18. Bartman

    Suggestion Adjust your screen width

    Hi guys, We're going to be making a change to the format of the site so that you will be able to display it as wide as you'd like on the screen. It's called responsive mode and it's what makes the site display correctly on any sized display so that we don't need to have a desktop, tablet...
  19. Bartman

    3-blade prop for DA50?

    Hi gang, Just wondering what would be the right size 3-blade prop for a stock DA50 for sport flying? Thanks! Bart
  20. Bartman

    Ever want to try a Quadcopter? x-posted from multirotorforums.com

    Hi guys, This review was just posted to multirotorforums.com and we thought, with you guys being hardcore RC'ers and all, that you might be tempted to try your hand at a quadcopter if it was cheap enough and you knew it would fly ok. Well, here ya go! The thread can be found here...