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Search results

  1. Bartman

    SleepyC, Consider Yourself Challenged

    @SleepyC;.....You are going to Joe Nall, I'm going to Joe Nall. You're twenty pounds overweight, I'm twenty pounds overweight. We'll weigh in Monday night when we get to Joe Nall and the biggest loser wins! But what do the rest of you think the prize ought to be? You can't say no so don't...
  2. Bartman

    China Model Products (CMP) Is Out of Business

    As reported on Facebook this morning by Curtis Mattikow of EasyTigerModels.com, China Model Products is out of business. Curtis bought all of their molds but isn't planning to resume production anytime soon. He posted; China Model Products out of business. Sad. I had built a lot of their...
  3. Bartman

    Free! Williams 4 3/8" Vintage II Wheels

    You pay shipping, have two wheels, probably never used, yellow plastic is a little yellowed from age. Who wants them?
  4. Bartman


    Hi guys and gals, Just wanted to write about a meet up last night with another member of GiantScaleNews.com. My job takes me to a few really cool places in the world and one of them is Tel Aviv, Israel. Israel might not be very big and they might not have very many well-stocked RC shops but...
  5. Bartman

    Electric Power Library Thread

    Guys and gals, please allow me to be the first to declare that electric power is here to stay! :yesss: To a lot of people though electric power is still a deep and very dark mystery. To help the blind see I thought it might be helpful to see what you guys (and gals :) ) are flying and to make...
  6. Bartman

    Request Suggestions wanted....what to include in a new user video

    Hi everyone, It's that time, we're here, things are going well and so I'd like to make a new tutorial video for new members explaining how to use the site and what the main features are. What suggestions would you guys expect to find in such a video? Private Conversations System Profile Area...
  7. Bartman

    Matt Chapman Cap 232 Yellow or Cub Yellow?

    OK, goofy question I know but what color would you say Matt Chapman's current Cap 232 is? Bright Yellow or Cub Yellow? http://www.airliners.net/photo/Mudry-CAP-231EX/1607583/L/&sid=928f53eb251fb21b4db78d0e26f66142 Bright Yellow...
  8. Bartman

    Iron-on coverings? Opinions?

    Hi guys and gals, just wondering what is the bees' knees these days as far as coverings go. Monokote? Ultrakote? Chinakote? I've used just about all of it at some point or another but things change so figured I'd ask. Am thinking about redoing a 35% Cap 232 so I need a lot of Cub Yellow and...
  9. Bartman

    Joe Nall 2015 threads

    I just set up a sub-forum for Joe Nall threads, in case anyone was wondering why things are so neat and tidy in the world of Joe Nall all of a sudden. :) Sundays are meant for cleaning up, no?
  10. Bartman

    Just under 1900 unique visitors yesterday, 2 Feb

    Just wanted to give you guys a more concrete idea as to what's happening at the site...we had a hair under 1900 unique visitors at the site yesterday and loaded 96,592 pages for you guys (and gals!). That's a lot for a site that has only been around for about six months and spent the first four...
  11. Bartman

    GSN Thanks New Advertiser, White Rose Engineering

    SleepyC and I would like to welcome new advertiser White Rose Engineering to the site and say thank you for the support. Owner @Vern.Smith is a long time modeler and member of GiantScaleNews.com. White Rose Engineering is best known for their light weight wheels, titanium axles and tailwheel...
  12. Bartman

    OMG I hate the freakin' Patriots!!!

    Off topic.....it's allowed this one day of the year
  13. Bartman

    Because it's ZooFebruary, that's why!

    In case you were wondering where it started, here you go http://www.giantscalenews.com/threads/were-doing-something-right.1922/page-3#post-44866
  14. Bartman

    Sick of LiPo's, Making batteries from soda bottles!!

    Just kidding!! :dancing-chicken::dancing-chicken::dancing-chicken:
  15. Bartman

    EVENTS Coverage courtesy of RC_Flightdeck.com

    Hey guys, I just got off the phone with Mike Kranitz of Rcflightdeck.com. He and I have been trying to get together to add event coverage to the site for some time now but all of our software problems forced me to postpone it (and postpone it (and postpone it)). Anyway, it couldn't have been...
  16. Bartman

    We're Doing Something Right!

    First we saw that GiantScaleNews.com outright copied our format and now it looks like 3DRCforums.com has also added a magazine style homepage to match ours. AND, as if copying this site isn't enough, they've also BLATANTLY COPIED OUR NEW FOAMIES SITE BY LAUNCHING A FOAMIES SITE ALSO!! You can't...
  17. Bartman

    Couldn't help myself

  18. Bartman

    Quick Video Q&A with RedWingRC and Joe Smith!

    @TimP and his wife Heather along with newly hired factory pilot Joe Smith took a minute from their busy day at E-Fest this past weekend to explain their new relationship for us..... by the way, these will be the last interviews I ever do without pro audio gear! I'm so sorry that it's so...
  19. Bartman

    quick Q&A with AMA Pres. Bob Brown

    I had some time to speak with AMA Pres. Bob Brown at E-Fest this past weekend. The big question was one that a lot of you have brought up, whether or not flying clubs and other traditional AMA member activities would still be there for us when the FAA is done regulating sUAS ("drones"). His...
  20. Bartman

    email address for twistedhobbys.com?

    does anyone have an email address for the guys at twistedhobbys.com? they're actually about an hour from me but i can't find a good email address for them. thanks! Bart